Far East Cynic

Maybe this is what the White House needs ….

To explain Iraq. Japan Probe shows off a new Japanese manga (comic) book explaining the recent Japanese Defense White paper. (Boei hakusho?????)?Quoting from the Mainichi Shinbum: In the “Manga de Yomu Boeisho Hakusho (Defense Ministry White Papers in Manga)” series printed in 2005, a little girl wearing “Lolita” fashions and

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The word for today…….

Happy Sunday! Its time for this week’s Japanese lesson. The word for today is genpatsu. ????. Which is the newspapers way of abbreviating genshiryokuhatsudensho (???????-Atomic power plant. There is another word you should probably know too, shinsai (???-disaster. Bousai-????disaster prevention was the headline on the Asahi Shinbum today. Genpatsu shinsai

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