Far East Cynic

Deep in the heart

Of Texas.

Greetings from the land of fat women.

Flight over was OK. I used my cunning and wit to outwit the travel office and get the flights book on the airline I wanted. ( The Australia trip put a big hole in my plans to get top tier status with Star Alliance…..)..

I did not sleep very well on the first leg to SFO. So when it came time to get to DFW, I was out as soon as I could recline the seat.

Arrive DFW. At the rental car counter, I followed my old adage: Pick the cute lady clerk, smile, and be polite. A larger car was mine for no extra money! ( Of course it took a while, her name was Maria and you know what that means. She was the duty Habla person……).

To the car! Bags in, door closed, set the seat. Turn on the radio-its 5pm by now. Great! I can listen to All Things Considered.

Today the market took its second biggest drop of the year losing 311 points in today’s trading.”

Well isn’t that special? More good news for me.

Out the exit, turn down the road for the exit to 360. 5 minutes later-parking lot city. 25 minutes later I finally get to I-30. I’m ready to put my fist through the radio……….

Another 30 minutes later I make it to the hotel. Wasn’t that fun? One more thing to admire about Texas………….

Get checked in=email checked, nap ensues. Now I am awake and its 11pm. DOH! This is going to be fun!

Can’t sleep, so maybe I should go out and find some late night fun. Like my hero:

Ja ne! More news when I get in the right time zone.