I must confess I did not see the Mitt Romney dropout coming. I’m surprised Sean Hannity did not commit suicide on his show today as a result. And of course he did it at that annual gathering of the mentally deranged “conservatives” known as CPAC-the annual ritual when the uncaring and the
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This blog is 3 years old today. I began this blog out of a sense of frustration responding to a huge personal disappointment in my life; created by nothing, but sheer stupidity on the part of other people……..on the part of the “big bad establishment”. My disgust with their simplistic
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Eating my lunch right now, nursing myself back to health. For some reason I have been too lazy to change the channel and right now, as a result, Hannity and Colmes are on TV discussing John McCain and his conservative credentials. Colmes posed this question: “Who does this guy have
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Because you don’t get to see things like this. Enjoy: It hurts to laugh hard when you have a cold!
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Well, its is official. 2 weeks of freezing my ass off in Korea have caught up with me. I’m a sick puppy. All this while trying to get some things done! I’m learning the fine art of dragging-and I do mean dragging-my lard ass around between naps! Super Tuesday today.
Continue readingWish these guys wrote for AFN!
Bud Light Super Bowl Commercial Too Racy For TV – Watch the top videos of the week here
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Not really liking either team-decided to support the Giants as they had the better back story. So 17-14 pretty much made my day! Made me think of this video that Mark turned me onto: All the news that fits!
Continue readingBe careful what you eat…….
And no, that is not a reference to the the item referred to in the previous post! However, here in Japan, there has been a big scandal about Chinese produced gyoza(Fried Dumpling) that as it turns out. Seems initially 10 people became sick after eating the product, produced in Tenshin China-and
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It is good to be warm! This is the first time in 2 weeks I’ve been warm. Of course, I’m pretty much stuck inside today because it snowed here for the first time in about 7 years. Pix to follow. Lots to do this month and some very weighty decisions
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Last things to do today-then back to Japan. There will be no rest for the wicked there as I will have a lot to do-plus have to keep the full court press on the job hunt. If you know of and or are seeking a hard working professional to do
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