Far East Cynic

Be careful what you eat…….

And no, that is not a reference to the the item referred to in the previous post!

However, here in Japan, there has been a big scandal about Chinese produced gyoza(Fried Dumpling) that as it turns out. Seems initially 10 people became sick after eating the product, produced in Tenshin China-and it has been all over the papers and TV here.

Don’t buy this!

Since then the number people affected has gone over 1000:

The mystery surrounding the poisonous chemical that tainted frozen “gyoza” meat and vegetable dumplings made in China deepened Friday as an extremely high density of the pesticide was detected in remaining samples from a family in the city of Chiba’s Inage Ward who fell ill after eating the product.

According to research by Co-op Net, an association of cooperatives, the density of the detected pesticide was 130 parts per million, which is 100 to 400 times higher than Japanese food regulation standards for Chinese chives and cabbage, common ingredients for gyoza.

This high density of methamidophos indicates the chemical did not come from pesticide residue left during the cultivation of the vegetables but was instead added somewhere during the production or distribution process, experts said.

Police meanwhile said they have found a 3-mm hole in a package of dumplings that a family in Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture, ate before feeling sick in early January. Because the hole was not made by the family or investigators, someone may have pierced the package with a needle to inject pesticide, they said.

“At this moment, how this hole was made is not clear, including whether this was made by someone on purpose or just by accident,” a senior Hyogo Prefectural Police official said.

The Chinese are of course running for cover denying everything. However this had the Prime Minister in the Diet today-during the Japanese equivalent of question time (not nearly as raucous as its British counterpart) answering questions about what the government is doing to protect the population. This story is going to go on for a while yet and there is a very good possibility it was deliberately done-which if verified-will set off another round of public recriminations.

I also promised pictures of the snow. Here is one from Ueno park yesterday:


Ought to be interesting as it plays out. Me? I’ll stick to hamburgers, thank you very much:


  1. I am from Malaysia. I am quite annoyed that Japanese in such early stage put all the blames on China. In the final investigation, Japanese might find that it is actually japanese poisoning japanese.

  2. Actually, there is a pretty good possibility that it happened in China. They were shipped already packed when they left China………….

  3. I am Chinese.
    Watch out, next time we are going to use gyoza made in Japan to poision Japanese.