Billy Joel updated for the 21’st century(Language NFSW): Flame on baby! Courtesy of College Humor-who says undergrads don’t learn anything? UPDATE-College Humor wants you to see their ads. You can see the video here.
Continue readingThis is pretty cool……
Chino Otsuka has combined pictures of herself from 30 years ago to make an interesting montage: See the rest here
Continue readingThat kind of day
It just was………….. Bonus points if you can guess what Mommy does for a living!
Continue readingTell this to your tea party friends…..
I’m going to go on a series of posts disproving some of the wildest distortions that have been beamed into the minds of those who believe that they have some kind of a novel new notion, about government and taxation. The Tea Parties may have started as a grass roots
Continue readingThe tea for Tea Party goers…….
Since their blood pressure is up and all:
Continue readingTea Parties
Are a waste of time. I would no more go to a tea party, than I would to an anti-war demonstration. I’ll fight stupidity through the ballot box, thank you very much. The teabaggers are acting like they are some holy crusade, however they don’t really have a coherent message
Continue readingNow I have to get an I-Phone
They have an Astro-boy ( proper name: Atomu) application for the I-phone: Sh*t-and I was going to save money this month too…………
Continue readingPossible job for me in retirement……..
They say that you should work doing something you love. This might be a good way for me to spend my golden years…………………………..
Continue readingDon't let the facts get in the way of the script……..
I am convinced the political well in America is good and truly poisoned. If so, the country is in for a long down hill slide regardless of who is President. Consider the right wing monologue. In just about 75 days, the nation has slid down the road to facisim, socialism,
Continue readingDon’t let the facts get in the way of the script……..
I am convinced the political well in America is good and truly poisoned. If so, the country is in for a long down hill slide regardless of who is President. Consider the right wing monologue. In just about 75 days, the nation has slid down the road to facisim, socialism,
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