Stupid commercials like this.
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Waiting for Donald Rumsfeld to apologize. The parallels between Rumsfeld and McNamara are strong — up to a point. Both men took charge of the Pentagon bent on exercising greater civilian control over the military. Both were determined to transform the military bureaucracy into a more efficient, more adaptable organization.
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Waiting for Donald Rumsfeld to apologize. The parallels between Rumsfeld and McNamara are strong — up to a point. Both men took charge of the Pentagon bent on exercising greater civilian control over the military. Both were determined to transform the military bureaucracy into a more efficient, more adaptable organization.
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Since I just got the lovely fucking news a few hours ago that I have to work on a Sunday. To say I’m not pleased is an understatement…………… The S.O. is not pleased either……….. One of the biggest changes at the place I work is that they have become rather
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Joe Galloway on Robert McNamara. Well, the aptly named Robert Strange McNamara has finally shuffled off to join LBJ and Dick Nixon in the 7th level of Hell. McNamara was the original bean-counter — a man who knew the cost of everything but the worth of nothing. Ouch! His
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Home again. Long day spent in pursuit of airplanes-walking between gates, waiting to get delayed. There seems to be an un-written rule for me in the Charlotte Airport. My gates will always be as far apart physically as they can be. The distance between the gates is inversely proportional to
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They will go even more high order! Seems that delving into the facts about Saint Sarah is not allowed. It gets in the way of the narrative: One of the chief reasons Sarah Palin has given for resigning as Governor of Alaska is that her state’s taxpayers are being forced
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They will go even more high order! Seems that delving into the facts about Saint Sarah is not allowed. It gets in the way of the narrative: One of the chief reasons Sarah Palin has given for resigning as Governor of Alaska is that her state’s taxpayers are being forced
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Three cities, three days. Evenings spent traversing between them. On the way to one of them today, went past the spot where John Wilkes Booth died. The Garrett farm house is now gone-and its location in the middle of a median. There was room enough to stop though-so I did
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Spike tells us Compuserve is dead. I was a Compuserve customer-a long time ago in a galaxy far away.
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