Far East Cynic

Shh! Don't tell Lex's readers this………..

They will go even more high order!

Seems that delving into the facts about Saint Sarah is not allowed. It gets in the way of the narrative:

One of the chief reasons Sarah Palin has given for resigning as Governor of Alaska is that her state’s taxpayers are being forced to spend money defending her government against ethics complaints that would otherwise fund teachers, cops, and road repair.

But in response to our questions, a spokesperson for the Alaska governor’s office just gave us new information that casts serious doubt on this assertion. The revelation makes the resignation episode even stranger, and raises fresh questions about the real reasons for her abrupt departure.

During her resignation speech last week, Palin presented herself as a heroic defender of the taxpayer. She said that money being spent on government lawyers to defend against these “frivolous ethics violations” could be “going to things that are very important, like troopers and roads and teachers and fish research.” Palin repeated exactly the same point this week.

But David Murrow, a spokesperson for the Governor, said in an interview that much of this money was budgeted to the lawyers in advance and would have gone to them anyway, even if state lawyers hadn’t been defending against these ethics complaints.

Basically, the state had already planned for a certain level of legal effort-and while one could make the argument that they might have used their time elsewhere-it still would not have saved the state any money.

How do you know Sarah Palin is lying? Her lips are moving.

  1. let me suggest you read Roger Simons article on Politico about Sarah.

  2. faint glimmers of actual secessionist movements as Americans for various reasons and in various areas decide the burdens and assumptions of the federal government are no longer attractive or legitimate.
    That someone would actually write that is disturbing in the extreme-I see this theme being repeated elsewhere, such as in the support for a military coup de etat in Honduras. I’m seeing more and more of such talk these days from so called conservatives-what I don’t understand is why. Obama’s election is not the end of the world.
    And that’s where Palin comes in. The simple truth of the matter is that the media did not do Palin in-Palin did Palin in. Could not have happened to a more deserving individual. Her type of cry-baby “take it personal” type of whining has no place in a modern political party.
    even if Palin does not win the nomination, that she will still help to brand the Republican party in a very damaging way. No national candidacy has ever collapsed so rapidly and totally as Sarah Palin’s in 2008. The evidence is strong that she is the only vice presidential nominee in history to have had a significant impact on voting preferences – and negatively so. Since voting day, she has only continued to lose ground. Yet no matter how ill-considered her statements and actions, her core group of supporters excuse everything on the grounds that she is a social conservative martyr, scorned by her cultural betters. Those excuses are exactly the wrong formula to win back the voters the GOP lost in 2008 and needs to recover to win again.

  3. Why is MSNBC, Letterman and Skippy so obsessed with sarah?
    If she is NOW a political non entity then what difference does it make what she said, says or does?
    Her “sins” pale in comparison to others so why the hatred?
    A politician lies? or are hypocrites.The horror!!!!!

  4. Because there in one neat little package is everything that is wrong with the Republican party these days. If she can be exposed and brought down its a great way to send the message that other wise they will never get.