My daughter made a very beautiful bride. Her new husband is a fine man, and I think they will do well together. And for a room full of emotional land mines ,as existed at the reception yesterday-my daughter navigated it all with the skill of a diplomat at a Middle East
Continue readingDon't tell this to Lex's fans……..
The irony and the truth of this statement is just lost on them: IMHO, it is this sharply divisive party politicking, this need to adhere to party lines at all times and regardless of common sense or even common courtesy that makes US politics a laughing stock in the
Continue readingDon’t tell this to Lex’s fans……..
The irony and the truth of this statement is just lost on them: IMHO, it is this sharply divisive party politicking, this need to adhere to party lines at all times and regardless of common sense or even common courtesy that makes US politics a laughing stock in the
Continue readingAs Michelle Malkin is rushed to the hospital………
Because of the stroke she suffered when she read this: OSLO (AP) – President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than
Continue readingDiscombobulated
Been trying to get back into a regular posting groove. Still can’t quite get there. For a whole host of reasons. Number 1-My daughter is getting married this weekend. So I will be gone the entire weekend and will probably not be posting at all. Maybe, depending on how the
Continue readingNow they tell me……..
Screwed again. I’m always either too late or too early. In this case it looks like the latter: This just in: the Kindle 2 is falling from $299 to $259 and they will be selling an international version with built-in AT&T SIM card for $279 on October 19. Quoth the
Continue readingAnybody speak Russian?
Then you can tell us who this is: The glasses are like-totally doing it for me! H/T to Asia Sirens! Update!-You can read about her in English here. She’s got a Facebook page.
Continue readingEconomics everyone can suppport
Lovely borrowed from here.
Continue readingA quick post about the Olympics……….
Greetings from Chicago as I sit in the lounge waiting to return to Shopping Mall USA. I’ve been watching the rantfest over at Phibian’s place with some interest. Because I was wondering how long it would take for someone to lay the blame for Chicago not being selected for the
Continue readingAll good things must come to an end…..
And so it is with this little overseas sojurn of mine. I’ve enjoyed being back on the oversease circuit more than I can possible share-especially since every day here has beat the stuffing out ten days back in Shopping Mall USA. But the bills don’t pay themselves-and I’ve got bills
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