Far East Cynic

Don't tell this to Lex's fans……..



The irony and the truth of this statement is just lost on them:

IMHO, it is this sharply divisive party politicking, this need to adhere to party lines at all times and regardless of common sense or even common courtesy that makes US politics a laughing stock in the eyes of the outside world. It’s things like this that give ammunition to places like China and Singapore and Hong Kong, so that when you say they ought to be democracies, they can respond with, "What, you mean like the United States?" and laugh and walk away.

H/T to Spike!

  1. Clearly, you missed the point.
    Singapore is a Republic too. Its also anything but a representative democracy. Its a one party state that hides itself in the illusion that it is a democracy.
    And even if we are not like them-we have lost the ability to have a simple conversation thanks to Tea Bag central.

  2. It’s funny that you say that Skippy. For the last decade there is only one class of people that are routinely shouted down and driven off campus whenever they come to speak.
    Two other examplars:
    Lieberman driven out of the democrat party by the rabid democrats in his state,
    and Palin who seems to bring out all the worst in democrats who foam at the mouth whenever her name is mentioned.

  3. Palin asks for it. She brings out the worst in anyone because she is just a huge fraud. When she portrays herself as a the American ideal, but she is nothing but a charlatan who deserves to be beaten with a baseball bat.
    As for Lieberman-lets not for forget the war in Iraq had most to do with that.

  4. Skippy, the problem with this simple conversation is we, and that is the majority of tax payers, are talking but our representatives are not listening.

  5. Jim Jones portrayed himself as a savior(I have been watching the story on History Channel) it doesn’t mean you have to drink the Kool Aid eh? whether its Sarah or Beck or Olbermann et al.
    Sarah is a non entity, no really…what would happen if MSNBC decided NOT to cover her antics as well as Limbaugh and Beck?
    Is it really important to cover the fringe?
    And by way, the recent polling data broken down by race, indicates that 80% of WHITE Americans distrust or have little faith in government.. They are not all tea baggers.
    Are there far right nut jobs, well of course but you may remember that Sy Hersch was on Chris a few times and was sure, based on his sources that GWB would DEFIANTELY attack Iran..it was a done deal..Did I miss it?
    And also that GW would institute a military coup to retain power, or so said some of Huffington Post etc etc ad nauseum.

  6. Skippy-san is afraid of smart chicks. He prefers dumb chicks (democrats like Pelosi and Boxer and Mikulski and Feinstein and Cynthia what’sherstupidnamebanned from flying because she’s such a total bitchcongressbitch.
    I get a real kick out of Ann Coulter and how she stands up to the HATE crowd and can be reliably counted upon to meet her opponents one on a thousand at college talks, get pies heaved her way and still come back and tear strips off stupid loser haters who demand that she be silent, sit down and shut up. She is a “c o n s e r v a t i v e” and she routinely takes a clue stick to stupid fascist democrats, progressives, socialists, communists and fellow travelers and I’ve yet to see a single one of them draw blood from her even when they ambush her on live TV. Palin is a political version of Coulter with a solid track record of leadership and conservative values.
    I can’t recall a single episode where ol Noam Chomsky was hated out of speaking anywhere. No doubt he is as middle of the road and likable as the Weather Underground bombers or Obama’s preacher.

  7. United States Navy Birthday
    On Oct. 13, 1775, the U.S. Navy was born when the Continental Congress authorized the arming of two sailing vessels with 80 men and 10 carriage guns in order to intercept British supply and munitions transports. The Declaration of Independence came nine months later, followed by the creation of the Department of the Navy in 1798.