Getting it out of the way up front! THE BCS BLOWS! There is no reason that the United States of America cannot have a football playoff system. It might take some reorganization within the NCAA, and alignment of some teams to levels below where their fans think they should be playing
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Since I’m all fired up anyway……….. James Fallows has a fantastic article up in this month’s issue of The Atlantic magazine. It should be required reading for all those who love tea-baggery. The piece Fallows wrote about the planning, or lack thereof, of the Iraq war is still available online
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America’s favorite cheerleader for stupid wars,Michael Yon, is all up in arms because he got detained at Sea Tac airport. Forgive me if I am not too broken up about it. Especially when Uncle Dumbo and boys at Blackfive are on the case. Seems they and the good Mr. Yon
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Sick as a dog today-its 21 degrees here in a land that is supposed to be warmer. So have fun and play nice. And contemplate Luke Skywalker’s Facebook page:
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On New Year’s Eve the S.O. and I went to see “Up in the Air.” I liked the movie a lot-here’s why. First of all, I like movies that tell several stories at once-Up in the Air does that. Second-it does more than tell a story, it provides an analogy
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Curtis Allina died at the end of December 2009. For those who don’t know-he’s the guy who came up with the idea of putting famous celebrity heads on PEZ dispensers. Allina was born in Prague, in what was then the Czechoslovak Republic, and raised in Vienna, in what was then
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Americans hate to be told they are stupid. Or that some other country might have come up with a better idea because its not lugging around a huge chip on its shoulder. However, sometimes, the truth needs to be heard. Especially among that peculiar and despicable breed : teabaggus whinus.
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Americans hate to be told they are stupid. Or that some other country might have come up with a better idea because its not lugging around a huge chip on its shoulder. However, sometimes, the truth needs to be heard. Especially among that peculiar and despicable breed : teabaggus whinus.
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With telling a story through the camera. Still got a long way to go before I’m selling to a magazine-to be sure. Several years ago, when I was on my blogspot site, I told the story of this room in my father’s house. Before you view the pictures below, please
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E.G. Now that its 2010. When does Jupiter become a star?
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