Far East Cynic

Obligatory BCS Rant…..

Getting it out of the way up front!


There is no reason that the United States of America cannot have a football playoff system.  It might take some reorganization within the NCAA, and alignment of some teams to levels below where their fans think they should be playing (E.G. The USNA).-but it can be done.

For one thing-the college football season could be two weeks shorter. Second, we could do away with the system where colleges, like my beloved alma mater, have to offer themselves up to the slaughter with schools like UNC-simply to make money.

Third.  A playoff system works for basketball-it could work for college football too.

That said-Texas is going down. Although there is a car dealer here that is going to have to pay for 115 cars if Texas gets shut out. He offered a promotion-buy a car this week, Texas gets shut out, you get the car for free!

I’d say that’s a pretty safe bet on his part.

  1. Texas deserved to go down.
    If football games are supposed to be 60 minutes, not 60:01, the whole fraud that is the BCS championship would have been exposed for what it is. There are any one of a number of reasonable playoff schemes that have made the rounds for the Div I schools. If Div IAA and lower can manage, I’m sure the majors can too.
    – SJS

  2. Still-you got to hand it to the Texas Freshman quarterback. To come off the bench and give Alabama a scare in the second half-on national television…..well he’s got my respect. Right up until he got hit by that Mack truck and fumbled………..