Something that occurred to me-and has bothered me for a long time, is the idea that somehow one generation of serving military is somehow superior to another. I hate to break it to you-but in the Navy, for a LONG TIME, a lot of great Sailors were out there doing
Continue readingPitch Lock……
I’ve waited a while to write about this as I wanted to put some space between the event and the commentary. A lot of readers are probably already familiar with the basics, namely the tragic loss of LT Steve Zilberman, USN of Columbus, Ohio, in an aircraft mishap in the
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If you did not see this slapdown of Fox News stooge, Bernie Goldberg: It is worth a repeat-cause its funny. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Continue readingGood thing they were not in Singapore…….
Because they would have probably gotten the bejesus sued out of them: Back on April 14th, Washington Post columnist Al Kamen wrote the following about the nuclear summit held in Washington: By far the biggest loser of the extravaganza was the hapless and (in the opinion of some Obama administration
Continue readingNext time you are out driving….
Take comfort in this fact:
Continue readingCounting your chickens….
Before you have to trade them for health care.
Continue readingYet another reason…..
To hate Congress: Frustrated by continuing prostitution at “juicy bars” that cater to American troops in South Korea — and what he calls “weak” monitoring by commanders — the co-chairman of the U.S. Congressional Caucus on Human Trafficking plans to introduce legislation that would create a senior position in the
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For my hapless Buccos: PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (Reuters) – The Milwaukee Brewers handed Pittsburgh their worst ever loss on Thursday, crushing the Pirates 20-0. The Brewers batted around for 25 hits to record the first 20-0 game since 1900, and the fifth largest shutout in the Major League. “It’s rare, it’s
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It appears fleeing to Japan and teaching English may be off the table. geos fail Uploaded by techmanimoto. – Discover more webcam videos and video blogs. [after Joel’s Princeton interview] Lana: So, how’re we doin’? Joel Goodson: Looks like University of Illinois!
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I’m practicing those words tonight, in anticipation of having to look for a new job. It would seem that the mere act of criticizing teabaggers can cost you your job: Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 21, 2010 — Los Angeles actor, D.C. Douglas, says he was dropped from the upcoming
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