Far East Cynic

Good thing they were not in Singapore…….

Because they would have probably gotten the bejesus sued out of them:

Back on April 14th, Washington Post columnist Al Kamen wrote the following about the nuclear summit held in Washington:

By far the biggest loser of the extravaganza was the hapless and (in the opinion of some Obama administration officials) increasingly loopy Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. He reportedly requested but got no bilat. The only consolation prize was that he got an “unofficial” meeting during Monday night’s working dinner. Maybe somewhere between the main course and dessert?

The Japanese government complained about the disrespect shown by the Washington Post in its use of the word “loopy,” but a few days ago Hatoyama admitted that he might actually be loopy.

With Hatoyama’s approval ratings plummeting, it would seem that some people agree about the loopyness. Ampontan writes about an online poll conducted by Nikkei:

To the question, Do you support the Hatoyama Cabinet, only 11.8% answered yes.

More interesting was the response to another question: “What do you think of the harsh criticism Prime Minister Hatoyama received from the American media during his American visit?”

A total of 84.7% of the respondents answered, “They took the words right out of my mouth.” (???)