In Arizona:
Continue readingHappy May Day!
Since I get repeatedly tagged as a slimy socialist-for merely sticking up for basic decency and fairness-might as well make the most of it. Workers of the world unite! 🙂 And yes, I like 80’s one hit wonders.
Continue readingA great story……
In front of Yanmashita park in Yokohama, located on the waterfront, the NYK ship Hikawamaru is moored as a floating museum. She recently celebrated her 80th birthday. The 11,622 ton Hikawa Maru was built in 1929 by Yokohama Dock Co – yard 177, for the Nippon Yusen KK line, Tokyo.
Continue readingYou’ll never look at Meg the same way again.
Meg from the TV show “Family Guy” that is. This is Mila Kunis, the girl who does the voice of Meg: She’s also on the list of eight hot babes who play “World of Warcraft“. Who said video games are just for geeks?
Continue readingSome common sense about immigration…..
From where you would expect it to come from-across the pond. I am of mixed feelings about the Arizona immigration law. On the one hand,border security needs to be tightened up-we need to start having immigration checks both ways in and out of the country and if you get stopped
Continue readingOne company that loves tea parties…….
The fine folks who brought you all 64 colors, of course! Crayola Thanks the Tea Partiers – watch more funny videos UPDATE! WTF happened to the video-did Crayola get pissed or did the tea baggers make her lose her job too?
Continue readingThe man just may have a point….
Sen Jim Webb that is: Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., is pressing the Defense Department for justification of why the military has so many flag and general officers, and he also wants to know why the military is paying salary and tuition assistance to officers on loan to some Washington, D.C.,
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Or the dog gets it. And we would not want that to happen would we? Especially when this book will make you a lot smarter about the world you live in. And unlike Sarah Palin’s book-you can rest assurred that there were no ghost writers at work here. Steeljaw Scribe
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This is just totally unbelievable: The Oklahoma Legislature voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to override vetoes of two highly restrictive abortion measures, one making it a law that women undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before having an abortion.Though other states have passed similar measures forcing
Continue readingChained to Futenma…
And stuck with a really lousy deal in the process. You think Obama has problems? Try being the current Prime Minister of Japan: The Hatoyama government is neither radical nor anti-U.S.; nor is the man himself. But they seem determined to prove the old proverb that the road to hell
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