Given all the hullabaloo about the nomination of Miss Masturbation here in real murrika-you may not have been paying attention to two elections that have real impacts on the world those Teabaggers as well as the rest of us normal people will face tomorrow. The first was in Japan-and the
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Thinking about posting a Tweet or a picture to your Facebook page? You might want to check your settings on your phone first. Otherwise you might find out the hard way that your phone is sending out messages you would rather not. A Tweet, like this one, is actually saying
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“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote.” The population of Delaware is 849,000. The lady who doesn’t like masturbation or sex-got just 30,172 votes tonight. Even assuming a 55/45% split Democratic / Republican and subtracting out underage folks that still leaves a lot of people
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It occurred to me that I had forgotten to post one last set of pix from my ten week sojurn in Bucharest. Can’t let that happen. So here for your viewing pleasure are some shots from The peasant museum.Muzeul Taranului Roman in Romanian: The museum starts with a gallery of
Continue readingFighting back…..
At least in Montana, there can be found a newspaper with the gumption to expose yet another of Sarah Palin’s lies.
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See how many neighborhoods you can recognize in this-interesting time lapse video by photographer Samuel Cockedey:
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Not for nothing, does Megan McArdle deserve the title, “Dumbest Blogger Ever”. Ezra Klein does a great job destroying a post by both her and her husband. The subject-health care reform and the lies that are consistently told about it.
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Greetings from the lounge at Heathrow Airport. I’m sitting here cooling my heels waiting to catch my flight back to the US. I am happy to be going home. It did not dawn on me till yesterday-what day I had been booked to travel. Today is the 9th anniversary of
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Well the day I have been looking forward to-is getting closer. With luck I will be back across the Atlantic ocean this weekend. Romania has been nice-but ten weeks is about six weeks two much. I’ve seen the city pretty much through and through, driven around southern Romania and up
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The Republican party that is. This is a serious post-to try to explain why I feel as strongly as I do on several issues and why I feel abandoned by the political party I once considered my home. A post over at the League of Ordinary Gentleman by E.D. Kain
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