Far East Cynic

Partying like its 1932……

“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote.”

The population of  Delaware is 849,000.  The lady who doesn’t like masturbation or sex-got just 30,172 votes tonight. Even assuming a 55/45% split Democratic / Republican and subtracting out underage folks that still leaves a lot of people who did not vote. The number of nonvoters continues to outpace voters. In a primary season where the narrative tends to be about partisanship and anger, the statistics through the end of the summer suggest that voter participation remained relatively consistent with the last couple off-year election cycles.

And that is all you need to know about the Tea Party. Democracy and rule by the people-not a chance. Tyranny of a crazy minority over the rest of us? You betcha!  Refusal to stand up and be counted against stupidity allows the crazy people to to move to the front of the line.  Apathy and refusal to confront the evil when you see it-begets you tyranny later. Welcome to the New McCarthyism-motherfuckers. To quote John Cole:

Oh, you’re gonna get your limited government, Christian style, and you’re gonna get it good, you morons- I may even chip in for the wetsuits and dildo for you special cases at Hit and Run. I can’t blame crazy people for being bat shit crazy, but I sure as hell can heap some scorn on pricks like the Reason writers for running rhetorical cover for the lunatics and helping to mainstream their insanity…………I just hope you chumps lose the leather jackets and designer wayfarer prescription specs, because those look vaguely French. Your days of esoterically talking about the virtues of Ayn Rand at DC wine and cheese parties are over, because you’re now bitches for Real ‘Murrika. Yeefuckinghaw! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


Now I know how good ordinary Germans felt in 1932 as their country slid down the road to ruin-by electing an evil man who manipulated good people…….to destruction.

It may be the wave-but I won’t be surfing it. I will be standing on the shore cursing it at the top of my lungs. Fuck YOU!

  1. Maybe it would infringe on “rights”, but maybe forcing everyone over 18 onto electoral rolls and making it compulsory to vote would be the answer. While I am sure you will get more “donkey” votes, you will also get a Govt. that more ably reflects the “will of the people”.

    Take Aust. for example, we have compulsory voting, and voted in a deadlocked Federal Govt. that took weeks to decide, but that pretty much reflects Australia’s lack of clear decisions about just about everything (except a love of beer) lately.

  2. It’s funny how politics works, if you get more votes you win. Just keep thinking this minority(even if it is not) does not deserve a voice. Delaware is a wake up call for the establishment, a 4 decade Representative sent packing. Sorry to see that you will be standing on the shore, just remember, as the tide comes in, if you don’t move, a wave will hit you.

  3. Is there a statute of limitations on what one says?
    She said certain things 15 YEARS ago…cmon…
    Besides, Delaware is a Democratic state.
    and she AIN’T getting any money from the Republican establishment.
    She is not going to win.
    Why shouldn’t we be angry?
    we are fast becoming a third world country of “tribes”
    Think Balkans.
    Well, yeah Germany got screwed by then again they did get the autobahn and the VW. I guess it was a fair trade off.
    ‘That Man, That fellow, trying to destroy the American way of life, you can’t spend your way of a depression, our childrens children will be paying….”
    Manchester on the peoples feelings about……FDR….
    Its deja vu all over again.

  4. Cy-kick,

    You missed the point. But then again people who support the Tea Party usually do. It is voter apathy and overall level of voter ignorance that fuels the douche teabaggers and their victories. Repeatedly, when informed of the details of their proposals, the majority of Americans are opposed to them. So they have gotten smart-they spend all their time calling their opponents homosexuals or non-citizens.

    Furthermore, they are not serious about their supposed number one issue of debt reduction. They never have been-because they are too busy telling you who is to blame for it, and not acknowledging that they among all people are the ones losing ground thanks to the ideas of the people they supposedly support.

    If they get fully into power, it will be loyalty oaths, purity tests, and more big government, not less. Their supposed solutions have already been tried and found wanting.

    The people like me-who understand that, actually have an educated understanding of the way the world has changed have an obligation to continue to hold these idiots in the contempt they richly deserve. This is my vehicle to do so.

  5. It was meant as sarcasm..as a JEW and a history fanatic I am well aware of what happened during ww2….
    I actually thought it was so OBVIOUS that i wouldn’t have to mention my intent. I see i was mistaken. My bad.

  6. Richard,

    Skippy is a dem and thus a little disadvantaged in some aspects.

    Brings to mind the New Yorker illustration of the bookshop counter where the cashier is raving at the man…..”This is a feminist bookshop!!!! There is no HUMOR section!!!!!.”


    Hey! No Brain Tumor!!!! Gonna live after all!

    Did you know that migraines can express themselves in other ways than blinding pain in the head? Me neither!

  7. Ok skippy, but it was a closed Republican primary! BTW your theory of numbers did not hold true in Delaware.

  8. How so? By all accounts there are over 139,000 registered Republicans in Delaware. Less than 25% actually voted for O’Donnell. I am convinced a bigger turnout would have worked against her. Had all 139,000 showed up to the polls-she would have gone down to defeat. Should serve as a reason not to be complacent-Tea Party goons are dangerous and why elections should be on Sundays.

  9. Largest turn out in a Republican primary in Delaware and more than 4 million more people have voted in Republican primaries vs. Democrat primaries nationwide.

  10. It was still only 29% or so. That’s nothing to brag about. That means 70% did not turn out to vote.

    O’Donnell was however well supported from outside the state and had the advantage of dickheads like Hannity and Rush the blowhard-who have never even set foot in DE campaigning for them.

    And Mike Castle’s great sins, according to Hannity? Supporting a Republican president on the TARP program, voting for CAP and Trade ( a principled position) and saying he would not vote to repeal health care. While those are open to discussion they are not reasons to cast him to the outer darkness as “not a Republican”. By that definition a lot of Republicans are being left out.

    Then there is O’Donnell. She is a fraud. She has not held a real job in 6 years. She was fired from her last job purportedly for running a consulting business of some type while using company resources. Since then she has lived on campaign donations – which caused her former campaign manger to quit her service out of fear of going to jail. She claimed to have graduated from college – Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, but the university has no record of this. She claimed that Rep. Mike Castle had his “operatives” following her and hiding in bushes outside her home (????). And her only real leadership was as chair of the Delaware Abstinence Coalition – an evangelistic organization that protested male masturbation (why not female? No reason is given for discrimination). She has refused to give interviews to the news media and instead has run a campaign on the internet, except for the last few weeks when the Palin crowd joined her campaign and the Tea Party gave her $250,000 so she could do a radio and media blitz.

    Care to explain how that makes her a “well qualifed candidate?” There are qualified people out there who probably would make better candidates who are ideologically “pure”. Why the teabaggers are scraping the bottom of the barrel here is beyond comprehension.

  11. Skippy, I am not from DE, but at look at the Dem nominee from SC. An Air Force vet with a General Discharge who had allegations of a sexual nature thrown at him and he defeated an established Dem candidate.

    As far as her experience, what did Obama have over her? Additionally, at least we know she had trouble getting through college, but we have not seen any transcripts for Obama for any of his schools.

    Unless you believe that America needs a ruling class of people like the LDP in Japan I say give her a break. If she gets in and breaks the laws, then she shoulld go to jail. You can imagine that all eyes will be on her every move if she wins, so there probably will be a very small room for error on her part.

    I know a fellow from my homestate that is a state reprsentative. Great fellow, but when I think of him there, the city of Bell, CA and their mayor keeps coming into my mind (and he’s a “D” too).

    I say, if that who the voters elect, let them go. If they are found to be incompetent then no matter what they try to get passed in Congress will not make it.

  12. I submit that the guy in SC is an equally egregious example-SC is a state where Democrats cannot win.

    The challenge for the Republican party was to accommodate Palin and her activists without dividing and without repelling moderate opinion. O’Donnell makes that all but impossible.

    This is not new-the Democrats went through a similar pahse after Watergate-and now most of those “newcomers” are the incumbents you despise. When the American people vote stupid they get stupid.

    And that is the only reason the Tea Party even succeeds. I despise stupid Americans of which there are too many today. Fat selfish pigs every one.

  13. Skippy,

    Speaking of stupid, did you pick up on your spelling errors there as you “new” the democrats?????? hmmm? And “pahse”. Welcome to the TEA Party!!!!!!

    It stands for Taxed Enough Already and for people who are told that the system and government are broke and end up paying 578 MILLION dollars for a new school, you know, they have a point.

  14. Give me a break-I typed that from my I-phone. Plus the usage of the word new is quite correct. As in , ” Curtis whining is not new.”

  15. yeah dude but you did not know how to spell knew did you? hmmmm? Maekes you somme kind of retugliacan write?

    May we graciously accept that sometimes errors of typing are made? Not snark at the format so much? Look at the message and from time to time disregard the format.

  16. Skippy, well if the Dems have written of S.C. with their Senate pick, then it should still balance out if the Rep nominee in DE loses. At least those two races will cancel each other out in your opinion.

  17. Maurice-but that is just the point. The Republicans could have a win in Delaware-and they could build a real coalition to build the change (or reversal there-of) that they seek. There are qualified candidates-neither of these folks are. That the system can produce such losers says a lot about the people who sponsor them-on both sides of the aisle.

  18. no no. It says actually a lot about the media slicing into the candidates and providing an in depth buffet on all Republican candidates while glossing over the democrats little crimes and misdemeanors and outright felonies. Why would a settled man with a family and all up and run for office absent some pretty damned compelling reasons? The media is going to come and dig up his back yard, tear off the siding on his house, go all the back to grade school to find dirt. Yes we’re limited on candidates because the democratic electorate are happy to vote for the likes of Rangel and Maxine Waters and Bill Clinton and the people who aren’t that willing are called racists and nazis.

    I believe that is my first use of the term in any blog anywhere.