If God is indeed just, there is a special place in hell reserved for Grover Norquist and his philosophy of “drowning government in a bathtub”. Unfortunately, we know the divine entity plays favorites, so Norquist probably got rich selling stocks weeks ago as some of his Congressional friends did. For
Continue readingNo longer relevant
Meaning it really does not matter that the COVID-19 virus started in China. Sure it makes MAGA hacks feel better thinking that blaming China will change the net effects of Nero’s Trump’s fiddling while the rest of the world burned. Blame China all you want. Post memes saying China Lied,
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So, by my count, it has been well over 5 months since I posted here. There are a multitude of reasons for it, few of them good, but they were consumers of my time. It has been a busy five months as I was engrossed in a project as well
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During a recent conversation with a former squadron mate, the talk turned to the dismal state of American politics. He is of the conservative bent, but not of the wild-eyed MAGA hat variety. He made the assertion that Trump is an aberration, a unique creation of the times and the
Continue readingA bright spot in an otherwise miserable year.
I have just returned from the sacred pilgrimage to the “Holy City” and my Alma Mater. The weekend was awesome and I also spent some time in the “Burgh” before heading south. Got to see my son. Unfortunately, this worthless SOB seemed to be following me around. On Wednesday the
Continue readingBefore it became something to be ashamed of
Here is another trip down memory lane -remembering when The Citadel was proud to be a liberal arts military college. “Larry Moreland was short, slight and had a dry wit. But he made the American Constitution — and those people who interpret that document — fascinating. In fact, he made the
Continue readingRecounting memories, more trips down the road of memory – The Missing Man
The S.O. and I spent a nice holiday weekend away from the grind. In a week I will begin the pilgrimage listed in the last post. These reunions are more than just a chance to eat and drink too much, they are also a spiritual event with (for me anyway)
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The days are counting down until I board the plane to make the 5 year equivalent of the Haj and make the pilgrimage back to my alma mater. Over the next two weeks, I intend to post some of my previous Citadel related posts in the hope of doing honor
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Eight years ago, I wrote a series of posts regarding the Navy’s imbalance in its flag officer community. The problem then, as it is now, is that the Navy has too many flag officers. It has more flag officers than it has ships. I pointed out then that the issue
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It’s been an amazing weekend, mostly not in a good way. For one thing, the S.O. has now discovered that just about all of her expensive perfumes had been stolen by our packers in Germany. She swears and maintains that she has been in every box and they are not
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