The Galactic Empire goes on a recruiting drive: Plus-Nine reasons why it sucks to be an EWOK: Everyone knows Ewoks are evil miniature hellbears who enjoy nothing more than using their cute appearance to lure unsuspecting people into their forest traps and bludgeoning them to death using rudimentary tools before
Continue readingSometimes the truth hurts-but it needs to be heard.
The problem with a trip like this last one is that with “social” dinners thrown in-it leaves little time for booming or blogging. I opted for booming and let my blogging slide. I’m home for the weekend now and catching up. A whole group of people are up in arms
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Reading this reminded me how lucky I truly am. Here are some guys who have had real problems: SAN JOSE MINE, Chile – After more than two months trapped deep in a Chilean mine, 33 miners are enjoying Sunday tantalizingly close to rescue. Drillers have completed an escape shaft, and
Continue readingWith my luck…..
This is who I will have to see when I go the psychiatrist.
Continue readingThat ought to shut these people up……
Mornings like this are meant to be savored. Clear blue sky outside?-check. Fresh coffee ready?-check. S.O. still asleep and its quiet in the house?-check. Shopping Mall Times whining about Alabama losing?-check. It’s a great day in the neighborhood. ( And I don’t even like South Carolina that much-but any port
Continue readingThe numbers game
I pointed this out before-one of the key elements of Teabag strategy, if it can be called that, is based on a numbers game. Getting all of their folks out-who really don’t represent a majority of Americans-and keeping the rest of us at home. America has one of the most miserable
Continue readingOh, like you have never done this!
Sure, sure you have never done it! Consider this an open thread. I’ve got things to do tonight.
Continue readingJust a reminder……
That October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Ladies-as a favor to me; and every other man who loves the feel, the curves, the softness, and the movement of a breast or two; please get regular mammograms and do monthly self examinations. Speaking on behalf of the rest of us men-we
Continue readingCaprica’s back!
And I will be out of town for the next two weeks. Thank God for the DVR. Because…… I am now totally hooked on the series………….
Continue readingSee Rock City (II)
On the way home from our little jaunt we stopped at the world famous, Rock City! Now interestingly enough, I was born two hours north of here-and in my youth my family never took me here-not once. So now, some 40+ years later, I finally stopped to see what the
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