Far East Cynic

You think we have problems?

Reading this reminded me how lucky I truly am. Here are some guys who have had real problems:

SAN JOSE MINE, Chile –  After more than two months trapped deep in a Chilean mine, 33 miners are enjoying Sunday tantalizingly close to rescue. Drillers have completed an escape shaft, and Chile’s mining minister says a video inspection shows the hole’s walls are firm enough to allow the men to be hoisted out as early as Wednesday.

Rumor has it that they are “discussing” among themselves-who should go first. No one wants to do it.

A tentative but secret list has been drafted regarding which miners should come out first when the extraction begins in a rescue capsule, probably on Wednesday.

Think about that the next time you turn the channel over to Hannity and his ilk.

  1. I wonder will the one with the wife and mistress have his “pension” subjected to the Chliean version of USFSPA and watch his income fly away.

  2. As anyone with navy experience might suspect, the last one was the shift boss.

    Reminded me of HAL, I will be the first on and the last off the battlefield.