A box of chocolates-or a case of scotch. You never know how weird it will get. After seeing rather quickly the burg of San Francisco, the S.O. and I drove down to Monterey. (This being after our abortive excursion to Union Square for the second time. No-I am not buying
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Of the United States that is. I spent the last week in San Francisco and also a night down in Monterey. After just over a month back in the smothering existence that is life in Shopping Mall-it was great to be back where there was lots to do and exciting
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Tea Partiers, in my close experience, are like drunks at the end of the evening. They make no sense, and you just want to get away from them. H/T to Mark Warren.
Continue readingI should have stayed in San Fran one more day.
Then I could have seen all kinds of people go nuts because the S.F. Giants are going to the World Series. And the Yankees are not. So while its depressing as all get out to be back in Hicksville-there are at least a few things to be glad of.
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No time to post today. Jumping in the car and driving through Carmel and the Carmel Valley. But just had to note this so you know where I stand on this-NPR got it wrong on Juan Williams. His statement was not bigoted, and represents how a lot of Americans feel.
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If you are going to be a darling of the Teabagger nation charged with defending the Constitution. You might want to actually read it: WILMINGTON, Del. — Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell of Delaware on Tuesday questioned whether the U.S. Constitution calls for a separation of church and state, appearing
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Busy day tomorrow-and it will probably be a long one. So I am about to go to bed. However the S.O. and I found a great place to have REAL chinese dumplings in San Francisco. Not Chinese food fashioned to American tastes-but real Shanghai style dumplings. The place is over
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Greetings from not so hot SFO. In fact-it is darn right cool here tonight. Another week-another trip. This is just the way I like it-like Ryan Bingam, I am one of those guys who enjoys the life and times in “Airworld”. In fact-I down loaded that particular book for my
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It is not often I agree with The Hill-so skewed and un-objective are most of their pieces; but even a broken clock is right twice a day: “I think attacking the outside money, and specifically attacking the Chamber, is of very limited value to the White House,” said former Rep.
Continue readingIt is that time of year again……
When the baseball playoffs come into full swing. Let see who to root for? Pirates and Cubs were out of the running by April 30th. ( Sigh-what else is new?). Now it is down to Yankees, Phillies, Rangers and Giants. Add to that, the fact that in the American League
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