Far East Cynic

The 17 mile drive is like……

A box of chocolates-or a case of scotch. You never know how weird it will get.

After seeing rather quickly the burg of San Francisco, the S.O. and I drove down to Monterey. (This being after our abortive excursion to Union Square for the second time. No-I am not buying you Tiffany jewelry, just because you say you want it. Not without massive doses of softening up sex first!).

While cruising around Monterey- I had to go see the 17 mile drive. If for no other reason than to see a golf course I will never have the money or the skills to play:

And houses I cannot ever, ever, ever afford to live in:

All yours for one low price!

In the course of driving around the 17 mile drive though, we stumbled upon this interesting bit of photography:

Firebird + model = Who knows? But there was a whole host of support folks to make sure this model got her shots out:

A bizarre look if you ask me-but the car was nice!

The next day we were off to Point Lobos:

As you can tell the weather was getting bad-but it was still a great view and a neat place to go.

See the rest of the pix here.

  1. Skippy,

    Both myself and my wife did 17 Mile this past 4th of July drive. She thought it was awesome to see the rocky shores and waves crashing. We also did the drive down to Big Sur, ate lunch at some restaurant just inside the state park, and then turned around. We did this while I was in Lemoore this past summer for transition training to the Boeing plastic F.A.G. We found that for the weekend it was pretty cheap to stay at the Post Grad School right there in Monterrey, I think the three day weekend (Friday through to Monday) set us back about $150 and the all hands club in the basement had a pretty good spread for lunch and dinner a couple of times. The club had the feel of Breezy Winds or even Oceanbanana’s O’club from the 80’s. A few folks trading sea stories over some drinks, a couple of families in for a nice dinner and some single JO’s pre-flighting before departing for a time in town.