Why you should be concerned about the upcoming Comcast NBC merger, and why Net Neutrality is important to you. A free and open internet is the single greatest technology of our culture, and control should not be at the mercy of corporations. 2 .A free and open internet stimulates competition.
Continue readingAnother year come and gone…..
Today is the 9th year that I have known and been with the S.O.-although it certainly does not seem like it has been that long. Four years ago, I wrote the post that follows-and I still find it’s a good recounting of the joys and frustrations of living with her.
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Its taken me a while to work up to writing this post. It concerns the soon to be Congressman from Florida’s 22nd Congressional district-Rep ( elect) Allen West. Criticizing a someone anointed as a conservative saint is a dangerous undertaking these days. But I figure I can do it because
Continue readingChristmas week.
An oldie but goody-is your Christmas shopping done? One of the things I have always marveled about, when it comes to the hymn Silent Night, is how many languages it has been translated into. In the spirit of Christmas, here is a cure little video of the song translated into
Continue readingMaking geeks go postal…..
Here are 32 ways to drive them up the wall. My personal favorite:
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Well, DADT has been repealed. As I noted previously this was inevitable, if not now, then at sometime in the future. So can we please now tell Andrew Sullivan to STFU about it? The fact that I have to resignedly accept this development-does not mean that I like it. I
Continue readingTrying to understand the foolishness- Part 1. The reading list.
”I don’t remember ever seeing grown-ups behave less seriously.” There was no need for this offense to come, but woe all the same to those by whom it came, and woe above all to those who whitewashed and rationalized it.-Christopher Hitchens. Its been a weird week. I’ve been wanting to
Continue readingRumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
But falling asleep on the couch at 8:30 makes for light blogging. TGIF!
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WWJD ? The party of no will be happy to tell you-and before any one goes high and right on the idea that it is sacrilegious-recognize it for the satire of the views of our tri-corner hat wearing friends that it is. They have already said plenty of equally silly
Continue readingA guy walks into a bar…..
And makes a career decision……………
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