Far East Cynic

Are you guys happy now?

Well,  DADT has been repealed.  As I noted previously this was inevitable, if  not now, then at sometime in the future. So can we please now tell Andrew Sullivan to STFU about it?

The fact that I have to resignedly accept this development-does not mean that I like it. I just recognize it for what it is,  the end of a line of destructive changes to the military that began back in 1992-or even before in 1976. The military is going to be called to do more and more and is going to find itself less and less prepared to do it effectively. Don’t kid yourself, the “Star Trek” vision of the military does not exist and its not going to exist anytime soon. This law change is going to full of unintended consequences-and someone is going to have show me how gays and lesbians are not going to become another protected species in the services.

Eventually there will be a norm that will be unofficially established of what will and what will not be accepted. Until we get there though-there are going to be some spectacular headlines on the pages of your Navy times.

And you are kidding yourself if you think the activism is over-this was never about gays being free to be “who they really are”. This is about cold hard cash-and receiving military benefits for partners and partners of partners. Nothing in the change in the law creates that-and until gay marriage becomes universally accepted -or domestic partnerships are recognized by the military-the 800 pound gorilla is going to remain in the room.

There are also going to be a whole host of other unintended consequences as they work through this. As I pointed out earlier-the current group of folks is probably better equipped to deal with this than folks from my age group are. But still its more than a little frustrating to realize that a guy will get cashiered for having meaningless sex with a Wanchai “sales professional” but a some guy who dresses up like Dorothy and wears Ruby Red slippers and a dress all weekend will get put on the fast track to success.

Guess it all comes down to this-I’m glad I served when I did. It was a lot more fun.

  1. Skippy,
    I am with you on your last comment. My question to the forum, will they make going to “Boys Town” in Pattaya off limits too? I mean we get the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) shoved down our throats, and how we are exploiting the poor women who are forced into that work; so now will that apply to gay sex as well?

    I sure hope so. Let them begin to live under the same rules as far as sexual regulation that the rest of the military has to live with. I expect to see a full spectrum of lectures on why “bath houses” are just as bad as the “massage parlors” are, and all we expect them to do is just go to third world countries and build schools and churches.

    I wonder will there be a new club in Orchard Tower to cater to this new clientele.

  2. The same things we heard about women in combat positions. Ten years from now, this will be a topic we wondered why we debated. You are right, this generation, my generation, is prepared to handle this. We have a job. It is an incredibly important job and we’ll do it better than any previous generation has.

    Cold hard cash, benefits? Whatever. You want to look at the gigantic fiscal mismanagement of our government and worry that a few, possibly deserving, “partners” get dependent benefits? Please. I think if my generation has a mantra it is “quick f’ing around with the ideological BS and let’s focus on the real issues” Two wars, a sagging economy, a divisive government. We have real work to do.

    Yeah, I’m glad “you had fun”. I’ll go back to fighting wars.

  3. S3hoov-yea we did hear the same thing about women entering squadrons. Because those of us who said it knew we were right-and the intervening years have proven us right. Women became a preferred set of customers-as we predicted. There would be a lot of dating, sex, and downright foolishness and pregnancy would be a problem.

    As for what your generation will or will not do-let me give you piece of advice from the other end of the time spectrum: take some time to enjoy the journey along the way. Yours is not the only generation fighting a war you know-I fought my mine and plenty of readers older than me fought theirs. By definition a Navy exists to prevent war-not fight them forever and ever. But the real joy of a naval career is the adventure and seeing the world-don’t ever forget that. Because if this generation does, then the seeds of the Navy’s destruction are truly sewn.

    P.S. Since there are no hoovers anymore-what platform are you now flying?

  4. Maurice,

    I wonder will there be a new club in Orchard Tower to cater to this new clientele.

    Haven’t you ever set foot inside the Crazy Horse bar?

  5. Alas, Bugis street is now a shopping district. Back in the day though-that was homo central.

    P.S. If you get the 4 floors anytime soon-have a beer for me!

  6. Skippy,
    I wish I could get there soon. Some of my friends here don’t have leashes on them and are heading to Siam from 23Dec-2Jan. I can only look out the window and watch the other kids play while the mean “step-mom” keeps me in.