The new neocon meme that says the recent riots in Tunisia and Egypt are because of George W. Bush’s worthless decision to invade Iraq. Even though the events are most decidedly not interrelated. But that fact will not make any difference to William “the bloody” Kristol or that moron Krauthammer.
Continue readingWell, looks like I will miss the Sevens yet again…..
Spike explains why.
Continue readingRumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
But I have been busy. And what free time I have had, I have been indulging in finishing (re-reading really) Andrew Baecevich’s book. The guy is a genius-and he has accurately captured how we got to the state of war without end, and what we need to do to get
Continue readingOff the grid for a couple of days.
Greetings from sunny-and surprisingly cool Bahrain. Back here for work and to see the changes in the city. I first started coming here in 2002-and at that point it had been some 20 years since I had visited the ASU (politely nicknamed the Alcohol Support Unit) in those days. The
Continue readingFeeling much better…….
Well, I got that off my chest. Sometimes you just gotta do that. And I got a good nights sleep. And soon I am headed to the airport to do one of my favorite things-travel to a far away place. Because-its a beautiful world. And anytime you are going to
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So, are you worthless f*cKs happy now that you have had your pointless gesture? What follows is a retelling of what we all already know: health care reform repeal is a ticket back to a system that was long ago recognized as a disaster, a ride powered by zombie lies
Continue readingGetting introduced to the quality spread……..
Selection day-after getting your 3rd choice and before you head to McGuire’s to drink yourself stupid ( follow up to Phib’s video):
Continue readingA good point……
And by the way-I was there. I launched on the first E-2 mission from USS America (CV-66), January 17 1991. But over at John Cole’s place they noticed something I had too-we are too busy sniping about Sarah Palin to notice the 20 year anniversary of Desert Storm: Because the
Continue readingEvery one likes a day off…….
Especially if you are spending it in Australia or New Zealand. ( Anybody got tips on getting Rugby World Cup tickets?). This is also a parody of New Zealand’s tourist commercials.-Thanks to Coming Anarchy for discovering this funny video.
Continue readingMaybe we need to look at this again…
I pursed my lips a bit when I read this about Gravatar: I’m a lawyer specialising in internet and privacy issues at a Fortune 100 company and I personally think that Gravatar is easily the worst service available in terms of your data security and privacy. I generally don’t comment
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