Lex and others have taken a great deal of pride in flashing this picture around-and then with a certain amount of snarkiness proclaiming how great it was under George W. Bush. Sad to see how short peoples memories really are: Let’s just say for argument’s sake-Barak Obama is really the
Continue readingCategory: Super Selfish Ayn Rand fans…
The part they forget…..
Its been an interesting week-albeit a disappointing one in many ways. Some short notes on the week that American political see saw began its ride back down. Issue #1: I have read in three different forums now-disgruntled tea party fans who are quite upset at being called the term “tea
Continue readingDon’t tell this to Lex’s fans……..
The irony and the truth of this statement is just lost on them: IMHO, it is this sharply divisive party politicking, this need to adhere to party lines at all times and regardless of common sense or even common courtesy that makes US politics a laughing stock in the
Continue readingDon't tell this to Lex's fans……..
The irony and the truth of this statement is just lost on them: IMHO, it is this sharply divisive party politicking, this need to adhere to party lines at all times and regardless of common sense or even common courtesy that makes US politics a laughing stock in the
Continue readingA quick post about the Olympics……….
Greetings from Chicago as I sit in the lounge waiting to return to Shopping Mall USA. I’ve been watching the rantfest over at Phibian’s place with some interest. Because I was wondering how long it would take for someone to lay the blame for Chicago not being selected for the
Continue readingHoly cow! -Bush was right!
About douche tea baggers: Commenting on an upcoming book my Canadian counterpart comes up with a gold nugget. Much of the professionally stupid Republican blogosphere is going absolutely insane over the following excerpt from the Latimer book. Bush was preparing to give a speech to the annual meeting of
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