Size of the boat?

Or how it moves through the ocean? The ancient debate continues:  The consensus appears to be that while the stereotype of black-big, white-medium, Asian-small penises may have a bit of truth in it on average, individual male members’ dimensions vary far more. (Women who are tempted to say they can confirm a definite difference between… Continue reading Size of the boat?

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Repressed sexuality…..

I stumbled across this article the other day. I suspect it will be more than a little controversial-but I liked it because it echoes some of my own feelings about the mental damage the the “sex is holy” attitude inflicts upon so many people. You might  not realize it, but in my youth I was… Continue reading Repressed sexuality…..

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You got a have a ticket……

If you want to ride the ride.  Slate magazine has a pretty good review of condom advertising.     Phibian has a pretty good rundown on what happens if you fail to use one.

Categorized as Sex

Really depressing numbers…….

And no-I’m not talking about the latest unemployment numbers. Then again maybe I am-how certain segments of the male population in America are being underemployed-literally: Married men and women, on average, have sex with their spouse 58 times a year, a little more than once a week, according to data collected from the General Social… Continue reading Really depressing numbers…….

Possible job for me in retirement……..

They say that you should work doing  something you love. This might be a good way for me to spend my golden years…………………………..

Categorized as Sex

End of the line………

The tight economy even hits the world’s oldest entrepreneurs: Tomorrow, Friday, around 6 AM, when the bartender announces last call at Fenwick, it really will be last call, as the bar will close for good, unless they win an appeal with the liquor licensing authority, which refused to renew their license due to “ongoing incidents.”… Continue reading End of the line………

Well isn't that a relief……

I’m not sure how. I mean I have always been a lesbian trapped in a man’s body-but does this definition make me a pole cigar smoker? Which type of Lesbian are you?The Undefinable You just like ladies, and that does nothing to affect your lifestyle or appearance. You are you, and you are unique! In… Continue reading Well isn't that a relief……

Categorized as Sex

Well isn’t that a relief……

I’m not sure how. I mean I have always been a lesbian trapped in a man’s body-but does this definition make me a pole cigar smoker? Which type of Lesbian are you?The Undefinable You just like ladies, and that does nothing to affect your lifestyle or appearance. You are you, and you are unique! In… Continue reading Well isn’t that a relief……

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