When you make changes in haste-they seldom turn out to be good ones. What I am about to chronicle in this post is an example of a change made by these guys-that is 100% at odds with what they supposedly want from those they inflicted it on. In their haste
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Rejecting the equivalence argument Part II. (Also Part II of understanding the foolishness).
Thanks to this project and the renewed education it has given me into EXCEL spreadsheets, the worth of an human being, and the real nature of corporate indifference to the needs of their employees ( Author’s note-in this case it also applies to govermental entities), I have not had a
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From the comment stream over at Balloon-Juice. Sad , but a very correct characterization of the disaster that would be Saint Sarah as President: If you thought Nixon’s enemies list was impressive, wait till Palin is President. It’ll be a whole stimulus program in itself – database administrators, programmers, advanced
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After the first of next year the campaign for the White House will begin in earnest it would seem. Politico,taking a break from its job as mouthpiece for the GOP, points out that all the likely candidates will have one thing in common: Lack of military service. Of the 16
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Scott Adams imagines a world without political parties: I’m fascinated by the fact that the freedom to organize into political parties limits our other freedoms more than most people realize. Political parties make the government incompetent, and the result of ineffective government is that citizens are less prosperous. Poverty is
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For the Teabag nation. When you get banged up as much as the Democrats did on Tuesday-there is only one thing to do with the woman at the top of the heap. Strap two pieces of wood together, stretch out her arms and start hammering nails through her hands and
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Continue readingEverything you need to know about yesterday’s election.
Can be found in Toy Story 3.
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For a guy who had a lot to drink last night-I feel remarkably good this morning. Speaking of last night, here it is summed up nicely: “What this election suggests to me is that the United States may have finally lost its ability to adapt politically to the systemic crises
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Joe Manchin may be running away from the President like a screaming banshee-but he’s made some cool ads outlining the bleak future that awaits us. What is it with freaking laser beams and WV anway?
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