Far East Cynic

Rejecting the equivalence argument Part II. (Also Part II of understanding the foolishness).

Thanks to this project and the renewed education it has given me into EXCEL spreadsheets, the worth of an human being, and the real nature of corporate indifference to the needs of their employees ( Author’s note-in this case it also applies to govermental entities), I have not had a chance to come back to this line of thought.

But now I have some time.

One of the things that I continue to be amazed about is the defensiveness of the hard core right wing pundits. They have ranted and raved for over a week about how wrong it is to mention or discuss the atmosphere that the politics of the last two years have created. One, the moron known as Gateway Pundit ( who epitomizes the “look down your nose on the rest of us” attitude I will discuss later) had the balls to mistake closed captioning for some sort of conspiracy to get applause at the memorial service this past week.

The reason why they pontificate so is because it has touched a nerve with them-they are terrified that the other side might be right. For those who are skeptics about this, ask your self this one main question-which side stands the most to gain from delegitimizing the government of the US?

Answer- the right wing. Even when they were in power they had the most to gain from that line of thought.  Its been so for a long time now-but the difference between times before and the first decade of the 21’st century is the rise of media, posing as mainstream, doing the advance work for the wackos. Esquire probably has it right:

There is no more moving memorial in America than the one that they built on the place on North Harvey Street in Oklahoma City where the Murrah Federal Building used to be. There is a reflecting pool between two large arches — the time, 9:01 A.M., is carved into one of them, and 9:03 A.M. is carved into the other. The lost minute is represented by the reflecting pool and by the long lines of lonely, empty chairs, all on crystal bases, each representing one of the American citizens killed in the bloodiest act of insurrection since the Army of Northern Virginia hung ’em up. In the accompanying museum, there is a remarkable exhibit — an audiotape of a mundane governmental hearing that was going on not far from the Murrah Building when Timothy McVeigh’s bomb went off. Some poor guy is asking for permission to drill for designer water on his land. You can almost hear everyone on the tape yawning. The mundane business of self-government is grinding along. And then there’s a tearing in the universe and somebody’s screaming for a flashlight.

Outside again, the lonely chairs are reflected in the pool and one truth hangs there between the arches: This is what we can do to each other.

This moment should have been transformational. This should have been a moment of diamond-tipped truth. This is part of who we are. This is a part of our politics. This is something to look at, honestly, and admit to ourselves that, pushed by our own dread and anger, whether or not they are skillfully stoked by demagoguery or not, this is what we can do to each other. This is what we will do to each other.

And the most remarkable thing about what happened in Oklahoma City is how little it matters today. The president of the United States gave a fine speech Wednesday night in Tucson at the memorial for the people Jared Loughner shot. The only mention of Oklahoma City in connection with the president’s speech was to compare it with the speech that another Democratic president had given in the aftermath of the memorial service for the 168 people that Timothy McVeigh murdered in 1995.

People mostly remembered that Bill Clinton once had made a passing mention of what he called “the purveyors of hatred and division… the promoters of paranoia” on the airwaves. (At the actual memorial service, Clinton quoted Scripture and talked about healing.) This time, many people struck pre-emptively; Rush Limbaugh may be self-medicating his wounded ego for the rest of his life over what he imagines Clinton said about him. There was a lot of what was called “defensiveness” on the activist Right, but it was nothing of the sort. They were on offense, just the way they have been since they took that heat in 1995. They abide by the order Stalin gave to the Red Army when the Germans invaded in 1942: Ni shagu nazad.

Not a step back.

The activist Right wants this rhetoric for 2012. It wants the same dark energies that helped it win the House last fall. It wants to be able to say the same things with impunity that it’s been saying since 2009, as though Tucson never happened. Oklahoma City might as well have happened to the Hittites.

Which is how nothing ever changed. Which is why Oklahoma City wasn’t enough.

One-hundred and sixty-eight people.

One-hundred and sixty-eight lonely, empty chairs.

It wasn’t enough.

And it is never going to be enough. Not as long as there is the idea, maintained and promoted as part of the Tea Party “movement”-that the United States can only be a one party nation, only one party is fit to lead,  and that as a result-only one party is allowed to govern the nation.

Consider this-the fortunes of the United States cannot advance unless it accepts the idea of a conversation between personages of equal standing; only then can it advance ideas of equal standing and in the discussion thereof- a consensus of a compromise emerge. The health care debate of 2009 undermined that idea.  First,  it undermined the basic need-that the system for paying for health care needed to be improved, in a manner that provided access for all citizens. Second-it resorted to the use of OUTRIGHT LIES to get as many people stirred up as it could. The bogus town halls filled with some fine examples of the lack of American education and the results of eating too much and not exercising enough-they did the rest. And the rest of the world got to see the country at its worst. In so doing-every bad image of America was reinforced a thousand times over.

However, no one should be surprised.  ( And this gets to the follow up to the other post)  One of the central ideas to the Tea Bag nation is that of division. Only to them its expressed in terms of “deserving” versus “undeserving”-and its key to understanding their psyche.  The tri corner wearing idiots cannot accept a premise of the fact that all people deserve the same access to a chance. Which does not mean that all people will take advantage of that chance-but they at least deserve a chance. No, key to understanding this group of folks is their almost religious zeal to the idea that they produce-and the rest of “us” take what is undeserved or unearned. Never mind: 1) what the law allows; 2) the circumstances under which you receive; and 3) the fact that you may have also contributed to the best of your ability and have a right to receive that which you were promised. In other words, to borrow Curtis’ words-if you collect unemployment, Social Security, or any other entitlement-somehow you are stealing. And for sure you will waste it. ( Since most of you don’t pay taxes anyway-another convenient lie).

Because if they did accept that idea, that you have a right to that which you were promised-then it would undermine the long term goal. The creation of a one party state. Next time you see the letter GOP-think PAP. ( If you need explanation of that reference, then you are behind on the goings on here-try to keep up). Its not that the PAP has all bad ideas-it is just the high handed way they enforce obedience to them and crush dissent. They are a tea partiers wet dream.

Which brings me to Sarah Palin and her whining-and that is a good way to close. No Sarah, no one blames you for the murders of innocent people. “Yes, there was some lashing out at you over the crosshairs surveyor’s symbols, which is to be expected, but no one thinks that you are directly responsible for the murders. What is reasonable to discuss is a climate of hate and paranoid fear, fueled by lies and misinformation, that creates an environment in which lunatics like Loughner might be motivated to act out their revenge fantasies. For that, there is no doubt which party is responsible.“-Get over it. It’s the truth and that is all that matters. It’s an attempt to distract from a more complicated description of what is going on in the world. The attempt to say “the left is blaming Sarah Palin” is a way to distract from the multiple things that can lead to and encourage an event like this.

Until we as a nation collectively can accept the idea that main masses of both sides want the country to advance and succeed-it remains vulnerable to the ranting of demagogues-like Palin.  The fact that Palin herself-and her impressionable , but severely learning impaired followers can’t understand that,  means that there will be no civility in politics for a long time to come.

  1. Dude,

    You need help.

    You cannot in one breath demand that we hold to and accept the idea of a conversation between personages of equal standing since only then can it advance ideas of equal standing and in the discussion thereof- a consensus of a compromise emerge when you personally and always demonize the people of standing on the other side. Do you understand that? You are filled with hate for the people that don’t agree with you and refuse to accept your premise that socialism is good for everybody.

    You talk about a health care debate. What debate you loony? Where was there give and take in that bill? Where was there compromise and negotiation? Where was their ANY bipartisan maneuvering at all? Where? This is why we laugh Skippy. There was none. The democrats had the votes in both houses and the White House and they jammed that down the throat of 50% of Americans WHO GOT NO SAY AT ALL. You ignore that all the time.

    You and your health care payment reform based on the communist manifesto…..when did the revolution happen and when did the Reds take over? I didn’t agree to that and who the hell are you to shove it down my throat?

    You simply cannot write without making disparaging remarks about your opponents. You hate them. They merely disagree with you.

    Skippy. You lie when you attribute those words to me. I never said them or wrote them.

    Gosh, the town halls where all you can do is sneer at Americans for being too fat and too dumb to understand the democratic way. Can’t con them, Contempt them. Only a progressive could convince himself that if mashed together con and tempt would work on ordinary Americans. Good luck and keep it up through 2012. We can use the Senate and another 63 seats in the House.

    Funny you still blaming Palin who is easily the smartest politician of her generation. It’s rather fun to watch your head explode whenever reference is made to her. Can’t help yourself….kind of like a Loughner all your own. Why I imagine that if she showed up in Huntsville tomorrow there you’d be with your favorite 9mm. Because she deserves it……Right? Your extreme hatred for the woman is somehow justified.

  2. You believe that its a climate of hate.. I believe its what it always has been in the USA..Jeeze Louise, after a year in office Washington was accused of being a British spy!!!
    Eleanor Roosevelt was accused of having syphilis by a black man…Andy jackson was said to have been an adulterer et al ad nausem,,My God Man, this was even before cable and the internet….
    WE are a rancorous, sometimes stoooopid, often ignorant people…It AIN’T gonna change…Bunky….
    And Sarah and the TB are just following what has come before.
    And by the way, if you read the NYT you MUST have read the opine by Charles Blow, a die hard commie Uh, I mean, liberal who said that Sarah et al had NOTHING to with Tucson.
    The Pats lost? WTF
    The Eagles lost..there is no justice in the world…

  3. Curtis,

    If you call a rock jagged-it doesn’t mean you hate the rock. It means that you describing that rock exactly the way it is.

    If some lumbering, overweight specimen of Americana behaves stupidly in a town hall-spouting lies that have been taught to him by people who should know better, that too is not hate. It is , like talking about the rock, just a description of what is.

    If Sarah Palin is so paranoid that she has to take to the airwaves the same day as the memorial service-well, that too is not hatred, but a simple reporting of some incredibly poor judgment. Instead of letting the frenzy die away, Palin decided that what the country really needed was for her to use the day set aside for mourning Loughner’s victims to make a speech complaining about her own victimization.

    And so when call that the stupidity it is-that too is just reporting an observation.

  4. So you think Loughner was fat?

    Palin was specifically attacked in the media by all your friends and held liable but not allowed any type of response ever?

    Watched the T Party videos of SEIU thugs beating up the creeps. Wanna guess who was the muffin top thug?

    You failed to note how the enron consultant was right there in the lead accusing Palin and right wing thugs for the shooting. That’s under the carpet now is it?

  5. Loughner wasn’t fat-but a significant portion of the folks mobbing town halls in 2009 were. ( At least here in Alabama they were). Maybe living in CA with the beautiful people you get a better looking class of moron out there.

  6. “..Palin who is easily the smartest politician of her generation.” Come on, Curtis – I gotta throw the BS Flag on that one. Palin will get her head handed to her in any serious debate. There’s no intellect of any stature in there…..

  7. Old H-2 Guy,

    I usually add a tag here for Palin because it is so fun to watch the heads explode in sheer outrage and hatred at Palin. But I would say that she could rip to pieces any politician you’d care to name in a talking heads on TV style confrontation. The somewhat artificial rules of formal debate are not well suited to ripping pieces off one’s opponent and leaving them bleeding in the snow.

    Hugely successful and rich author. Her own hugely commercially successful TV show. Mayor of the second largest town or something like that in Alaska. Elected governor. Earns huge fees wherever she talks on the lecture circuit. In this vein she is matched only by Clinton and George Bush the younger.

    I’m starting to come around to the opinion that some of the cleverer conservative pundits are putting forward and starting to believe that she won’t run for president in 2012. Why bother when one can be the eminence grise?