Why it is hard to be a Pirates fan these days.

As a person who grew up in Pittsburgh, it is been really frustrating to watch my baseball team these last few years. They had not made the playoff since 1992 with the exception of three glory years in 2013-2015 where they got to wild card and promptly lost. The current owner, Bob Nutting, is universally… Continue reading Why it is hard to be a Pirates fan these days.

There was one good thing that happened yesterday…….

Congress imposed a government shutdown?  Fuck you, pay me. Oh, had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. The place got hit by lightning? Fuck you, pay me.   ( All posts will start with this until the shutdown is over).   Boy talk about a , when it rains it pours moment. The S.O. was eating a gummi bear last… Continue reading There was one good thing that happened yesterday…….

Categorized as Pittsburgh

Things have been put back to the way they should be…….

As a loyal Steeler fan, I should be hating the New England Patriots-regardless of what time of the season it is. But this year-they are my new heroes. Simply for pounding the Denver Tebows back into submission and sending Tim Tebow home to where he should be in the playoffs: watching them on TV. The… Continue reading Things have been put back to the way they should be…….

Categorized as Pittsburgh

Sports note.

The Pirates are in first place-and its not the begining of the season. Go BUCS!

Categorized as Pittsburgh

So who is it going to be?

After the S.O. told me not to be so noisy for the 15th time-I was really sweating it in the fourth quarter, I thought for sure Baltimore was going to come back- laid back and savored the win. So now of course, the question is who will they play next Sunday? Your thoughts?

Categorized as Pittsburgh

Well, its set.

Steelers vs Ravens. Somehow,  you just knew it would come down to this.

Categorized as Pittsburgh

Go Steelers!

The hated Raiders are on the schedule this week. What is your favorite pro team? College team?

Categorized as Pittsburgh

Coolest campaign ads…..

Joe Manchin may be running away from the President like a screaming banshee-but he’s made some cool ads outlining the bleak future that awaits us. What is it with freaking laser beams and WV anway?

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