Mandatory Training…..

Over at Esquire’s political blog, LTC Robert Bateman has been buying into the entire-“all military men are rapists” theme.  Now, I, for one, am sick of hearing it. A) Because it’s not true and B) it’s disguising yet another hidden feminist agenda. Fortunately for us all- ROK Drop is still on the case.  This just confirms to… Continue reading Mandatory Training…..

Who needs a sabbatical?

Well, it’s been two years since I have right royally pissed off the feminist lobby, and it is January and I am cold. So it is probably a good time to jump back into the pool and piss them off again. Navy Times had a recent article up discussing the idea of sabbaticals, and how they could… Continue reading Who needs a sabbatical?

In trying to do good, they just do more harm.

As promised, I am taking this opportunity to offer my thoughts on some provisions of the 2014 Defense Bill that should make anyone with any military experience at all, just a little bit nervous. ( If not downright upset.) First the good parts ( I guess). The bill revamps the Sodomy section of the UCMJ.… Continue reading In trying to do good, they just do more harm.

Harassment Hysteria

I'd like to put in another plug for ROK Drop if I may. It is probably the only military blog trying to drag some sense into the discussion about the supposed "problems with the military culture" ( which was just fine until feminists came along and decided to fuck it up for their own twisted… Continue reading Harassment Hysteria

Not understanding what was said…..

One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny. Bertrand Russell Recently, there has been a video that has gone viral in military blogging circles and elsewhere, showing the Chief of Staff of the… Continue reading Not understanding what was said…..

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

In recent days the military journals have run stories of how Congress wants to strip commanders of their authorities to confirm or overturn the results of courts martial. This due to several high profile cases where folks did not agree with the final decision of the convening authority. On Capitol Hill, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.,… Continue reading Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

The Professor would like a word, please.

Speaking of things that are degrading to women, back in January,  Martin Van Creveld published a fine article in Small Wars Journal. In it he makes the point that got RDML Gaouette fired, namely that there is a double standard existing in today's military-and its one where one gender is in fact devalued-but its men… Continue reading The Professor would like a word, please.

Things that make me want to chug a quart of anti-freeze

This is why the Navy cannot have nice things. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered a close-up and comprehensive inspection of all military offices and workplaces worldwide to root out any “materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment.” The extraordinary searches will be similar to those the Air Force conducted last year and… Continue reading Things that make me want to chug a quart of anti-freeze

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