It’s August, I have to go to Korea for Ultimate FutiLity, and I am really depressed. The Korea Folks know what I’m talking about. Because it is that wonderful time of year, when thousands of people converge upon the Korean Peninsula to see for themselves the world of micromanagement-as only
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SJS thought he was going to give me a pass on this meme, but little did he know I had already been tagged by Mili with essentially the same meme. I was just ignoring her till now. “List eight habits or facts about yourself, then tag eight more people” Now
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Today was a good work day. S.O. is pissed off at me, because when she called my cell phone, I answered with the back ground noise of one of my favorite bars in the background. ………..How many times have I told you not call? So I had finished the conversation
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Of Texas. Greetings from the land of fat women. Flight over was OK. I used my cunning and wit to outwit the travel office and get the flights book on the airline I wanted. ( The Australia trip put a big hole in my plans to get top tier status
Continue readingWhy I hate going to the doctor these days…..
For some reason, physical exams take longer than they used to: Subscribe in a reader
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We are starting to get ready to go back to Korea…. 🙁 Here is the USFK inbriefing: Work harder! Not smarter! Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingA Will Smith moment……
About a year and a half ago I wrote this post. I wrote that post out of frustration, after having tried, in vain, to convince my boss not to make a not so good choice. My boss-despite warnings from several sources- made the decision to go with a certain choice.
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The S.O. and I went to a dinner party last night. With the Typhoon bearing down on Tokyo, sticking close to home was the right thing to do. It was interesting in many ways-I could not drink, so all I could really do was watch and listen. And realize how
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I’m never going to do all the things I want to do in life……… Maybe more on that later this week. For now though its clear to me that I’m: I’m in a funky mood today. Its nice to be back home for a while, I don’t go anywhere for
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Well, I’m back. I had to change my flight info and depart a couple of days early. Getting that done was like pulling teeth. Had to drive out to the airport and like their American counterparts looked at my ticket like it was tainted. So it took me almost 24
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