Cry me a f*cking river.

One of the most frustrating things about this whole silly “Fiscal Cliff” nonsense is that the people supporting our Galtian overlords never tell you the whole story. They just point out the things that they want you to hear- and hope that you are not smart enough, or knowledgeable enough on tax laws to spot… Continue reading Cry me a f*cking river.

Breitbart still sucks

Charles Johnson has observed on several occasions that while the late, not so dearly departed, Andrew Breitbart was well and truly one of the United States’ biggest morons-the children who write in his stead can top it.   Sure enough, Breitbrat Ben Shapiro’s moronic attack on President Obama’s Thanksgiving address was rapidly picked up by the rest… Continue reading Breitbart still sucks

Voting is the best revenge.

John Hinderaker and the rest of the contemptible cocksuckers  members of the Liars Club, are all up in arms over an offhand remark that Obama made in a stump speech a day ago. In a speech Obama mentioned his opponents and the crowd quite understandably began to boo-and Obama said, "No, no, no — don’t boo,… Continue reading Voting is the best revenge.

Mired in the swamp of unimportant things-forgetting the major turnoff we took to get here.

I've not felt much like posting these last few days-and tonight an incident occurred that crystallized for me why. I won't go into the details-except it brought home to me how truly polarized our populace is-and how ignorant as a whole it has become. It started with a post from someone who took a member… Continue reading Mired in the swamp of unimportant things-forgetting the major turnoff we took to get here.

Guest post.

I am posting this post by my Candian Counterpart in its entirety. Its worth reading-every word-because it effectively lays to rest just about every bullshit argument we here from the ranting herd of ill-informed Fox News viewers. Take it away, Skippy Stalin: Even more troubling that the modern conservative shift in foreign and military policy… Continue reading Guest post.

The 50 worst places to get your news.

Regardless of your political persuasion. The list that is given below is a rogues gallery of misinformation, diatribe, uninformed commentary, factually inaccurate reporting-and general all around mean spiritedness that can be found in the civilized word. When you hear someone saying, ” I was just reading or watching (fill in the blank) and it’s one… Continue reading The 50 worst places to get your news.

The irony, of course, is lost on them.

I love the fact that conservative supporters of the selfish, fat, ignorant, pigs teabaggers are up in arms because literally thousands of their fellow citizens exercised the same right claimed by the selfish, fat, ignorant, pigs teabaggers to assemble peaceably to express their displeasure with the government’s obsession with rewarding the top 1% of this… Continue reading The irony, of course, is lost on them.

Some thoughts on the S&P

First and foremost-they are in no position to judge. These are the same goons who who rated subprime-backed securities as just fine and dandy. Now they think they they are qualified to pass judgement on US fiscal policy? Really? Second, as has widely been reported-they had their numbers wildly wrong. But they went ahead with… Continue reading Some thoughts on the S&P

What he said…….

Want to get rich? Play poker with Obama-you will make a fortune! This so called deal will kill any hope of a recovery. Enjoy life in a totally self created depression, teabaggers. I wish you the joy of Grover Norquist while it lasts. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said Sunday that the debt deal… Continue reading What he said…….

The phony war.

It seems the spoiled children just can’t get enough attention.  A group of House GOP freshmen will appear at the White House tomorrow morning with a letter demanding the president present a written plan detailing his ideas for deficit reduction.            Sadly-my own douchebag of a Congressman, the not so honorable, Mo… Continue reading The phony war.

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