Far East Cynic

The grieving process is continuing….and the only proper response to our Red Hat wearing citizens.

It has been well over 7 weeks since I have had the will to put my hand to keyboard and write anything of significance. Sure, I’ve been attacking the usual idiots on Twitter and also been observing the closet fascists from my alma mater trying to wreak their havoc, but

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The rot, it runs deep.

Today I saw something that made me truly despair for the future of this country. 124 former flag officers, several of whom I used to respect, had the unmitigated gall to put their names to a piece of shit, rather traitorous, letter. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/fb7c7bd8-097d-4e2f-8f12-3442d151b57d/downloads/2021%20Open%20Letter%20from%20Retired%20Generals%20and%20Adm.pdf?ver=1620643005025&fbclid=IwAR0VuxO5QWIii8O-Z4Xp9Qu5-mMailCNVpKEmK3m0DjM_FqHIBoobPkdN4M One of the signatories is a former

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