Got to have someone to blame….

I subscribe to Charles Pierce's first law of Blog Economics , namely: "Fk The Deficit. People got no jobs. People got no money." Pierce rightly notes that with the suicidal plunge of the teabag wing of the Republican party over the ACA, " the deficit fetishists are back. Even Messrs. Simpson and Bowles have rolled… Continue reading Got to have someone to blame….

The reality of the situation is disturbing at times.

There are times, only a few, that I think that the election of Barak Obama-while quite necessary from the stand point of stopping some of the lunacy of the Bush years-may have been a bad thing in the long term. Perhaps it would have been better to plunge on into the Great Depression that Grandpa… Continue reading The reality of the situation is disturbing at times.

Let the whining continue…….

Mitt Romney seems to be having trouble adjusting to life as a worthless piece of shit an also-ran. First, here’s Willard, reminding us again that he only lost because he wouldn’t give the Poors all the nice things, like the things he gave all of us here in Massachusetts, when he was pretending that he… Continue reading Let the whining continue…….

Happy Sequester Day!

The douchebags elected representatives in Congress have once again failed miserably at their jobs.. You will notice the Countdown clock to your left, counting down the days till my furlough and or layoff-whichever comes first. One of my favorite writers, Charles Pierce has summed up the situation quite well: Whatever happens tomorrow, the utter failure… Continue reading Happy Sequester Day!

More data to hit morons over the head with.

Tomorrow night I plan on getting really loaded after I go to Hebrew class. I should have been on a plane to Tel Aviv tomorrow-there to look at nice Israeli women with big knockers and drink Goldstar beer, but thanks to the lunacy known as the sequester-and the impending layoff I am expecting to receive because… Continue reading More data to hit morons over the head with.

Cry me a f*cking river.

One of the most frustrating things about this whole silly “Fiscal Cliff” nonsense is that the people supporting our Galtian overlords never tell you the whole story. They just point out the things that they want you to hear- and hope that you are not smart enough, or knowledgeable enough on tax laws to spot… Continue reading Cry me a f*cking river.

Voting is the best revenge.

John Hinderaker and the rest of the contemptible cocksuckers  members of the Liars Club, are all up in arms over an offhand remark that Obama made in a stump speech a day ago. In a speech Obama mentioned his opponents and the crowd quite understandably began to boo-and Obama said, "No, no, no — don’t boo,… Continue reading Voting is the best revenge.

Looking for someone to blame

Whenever I get depressed about the sad state of American politics-which in the month of October is just about every day-I don't have to look far for people who should be held to blame for polarizing our politics. The collective group of idiots who populate the Liars Club. To review, the Liars Club is that… Continue reading Looking for someone to blame

Evil is readily visible

I stayed up drinking last night and watched the VP debate. ( Because I have a Sky satellite-a Murdoch product- I get ………..wait for it………Fox News. I held my nose and turned it on for the debate coverage). I'll make no bones about it-I thought Joe Biden was very good last night and gave the… Continue reading Evil is readily visible

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