What with the move and all there has been a lot going on. The travails of getting ready for the move kept me from commenting on some of the really stupid things that have happened in the last month. So this will be a post aimed at catching up-if only
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The Zombie Eyed Granny Starver, hard at work
Yesterday afternoon, the Devil's apprentice himself, Paul Ryan ( Worthless Cocksucker-WI) and his Democratic counterpart Mrs Landingham (H/t to Charles Pierce for the term) announced they had reached a budget deal. Some deal. Rather than go for the straightforward approach of repealing the rest of the Bush tax cuts and
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David Simon, speaking at a forum in Sydney Australia gave a very perceptive rundown about what ails the land of my birth. He points out very eloquently a theme that the Pope and others have been highlighting recently, namely that income inequality is dangerous and if we don't do something
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Well we met our new "team mates" yesterday. As I expected it, it did not go well: It was an interesting exercise in surrealism. Our current boss was basically pre-empted by the GS-15 who seeks to enslave replace him. That issue has not been determined yet-but this guy acted
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Henry Hill: [voice over] Now he's got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with a bill, to Paulie. Trouble with cops, deliveries, Tommy, he calls Paulie. But now he has to pay Paulie every week no matter what. "Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, had a
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I subscribe to Charles Pierce's first law of Blog Economics , namely: "Fk The Deficit. People got no jobs. People got no money." Pierce rightly notes that with the suicidal plunge of the teabag wing of the Republican party over the ACA, " the deficit fetishists are back. Even Messrs.
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There are times, only a few, that I think that the election of Barak Obama-while quite necessary from the stand point of stopping some of the lunacy of the Bush years-may have been a bad thing in the long term. Perhaps it would have been better to plunge on into
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Mitt Romney seems to be having trouble adjusting to life as a worthless piece of shit an also-ran. First, here’s Willard, reminding us again that he only lost because he wouldn’t give the Poors all the nice things, like the things he gave all of us here in Massachusetts, when
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I have been reading the reactions to the sequester-and I am truly coming to the firm conviction that the United States of America has gone insane. Not only did Congress not avoid this abomination-but they didn't even stick around and try to work it out even after the deadline has
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The douchebags elected representatives in Congress have once again failed miserably at their jobs.. You will notice the Countdown clock to your left, counting down the days till my furlough and or layoff-whichever comes first. One of my favorite writers, Charles Pierce has summed up the situation quite well: Whatever
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