Now for something totally different

I’m not sure there really is a lighter side or humor to be had when 4321 Americans die in one 24 hour period. That’s over one 9-11 each day for the last week. And here, even as I write this, there are deranged idiots out, doing the bidding of some really vile people holding “demonstrations”… Continue reading Now for something totally different

A Navy Mishap you probably did not hear about.

The news was pretty well saturated over the last couple of weeks. What with Charlottesville, the firing ( well-deserved) of Steve Bannon, the collision of USS John McCain and President Trumps incredibly tone-deaf responses to all of those happenings, you may not have had a chance to notice this little tidbit of news. A civilian pilot… Continue reading A Navy Mishap you probably did not hear about.

Recent reading

While I was back in the Whining States of America, I made the obligatory run to Barnes and Noble. I picked up a copy of the Federalist to re-read, my original copy having gone long by the boards when the ex trashed all of my things as was her worthless nature. It’s always better to… Continue reading Recent reading

A red herring

There is a post up over at the USNI blog that really kind of made me angry. It's a good post, well written-but it's based on a flawed premise. Here I will set out to explain why. Ever since the Navy came out with its completely assinine policy about breathalyzers at the quarterdeck-there has been… Continue reading A red herring

Speaking of timely and accurate data……

While looking around for the previous post-look what I stumbled onto on the US Navy’s web site. What’s wrong with this picture? The Carrier Air Wing The typical air wing aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier usually contains four FA-18 squadrons, one S-3 squadron, one EA-6B squadron, one E-2C squadron, and one helicopter squadron. You… Continue reading Speaking of timely and accurate data……

Categorized as Flying

Moles just want to have fun!

The mighty war hummer on the job. For once the Norfolk media drove in some other direction than towards Oceana. To visit the working man’s Navy.  Be sure and make your Air Force friends watch this-the smaller, much more capable version of the AWACS:

Categorized as Flying

Top 10

Low fly by’s. Most of them are by Brits and French-what’s up with that?

Categorized as Flying

On a clear day…..

You can see a long way. Greetings from Tucson! Out here for work. Flying into the city yesterday was actually very interesting. The flight was full and I was in a window seat. Between sleeping and getting about 1/3 of the way through The Singapore Grip, I did not look outside so much. However as… Continue reading On a clear day…..

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