Like someone, you might have met at Impanema or Peyton Place in Singapore. ( If you need a geography lesson-go here.) Actually, I take that back-this woman is not nearly as sincere as some of the women in the Country Western Bar-and that is saying a lot. James Fallows sums
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The 50 worst places to get your news.
Regardless of your political persuasion. The list that is given below is a rogues gallery of misinformation, diatribe, uninformed commentary, factually inaccurate reporting-and general all around mean spiritedness that can be found in the civilized word. When you hear someone saying, ” I was just reading or watching (fill in
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The S.O. dragged me to her doctor yesterday. It confirmed for me why I need to change doctors. First they found that this a bacterial infection of my sinuses. Thus my head feels like it is going to explode when I cough-which is a lot. (Much to the chagrin of
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UPDATE! The more I think about it-this post should never have been written by me. Accordingly I have deleted all of my own text-leaving nothing any more. Judging by the way the markets are tanking today-we are in for a long bumpy ride, and the fact that is self inflicted
Continue readingThe real criticism that should be leveled at the media.
Was explained very cogently yesterday by Jon Stewart, and ironically it was explained in the place where news goes to die-the Fox Noise Machine. If you haven’t seen this interview between Chris Wallace, you should. Its a tour de force take down of the people at Fox News. There are
Continue readingWake up call
Only in America. Only in the Whining States of America-can a moron like Donald Trump get time on the political stage to spout his nonsense. Imagine my shock and amazement to wake up this morning to see his comb over on the TV talking about……well I don’t know what he
Continue readingWhat should have been…..and never was.
Our future in space, stunted in its youth-because Americans, as a whole are pretty stupid. We went to the moon, in an aggressive fashion, and then pretty much stopped. When I think about all the money that has been wasted on all the wars between 1972 and now-we could have
Continue readingThe politics of sadism
I’ll be writing about Paul Ryan this weekend-but the folks at Esquires blog have sized him pretty well: We are in an age dominated on one side by the New Politics of Sadism. Hurtful policies are enacted, not because of any logical benefit they might bring, but specifically because they
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One of the ideas that has come to the forefront in our current political debate-is a very flawed one. That it has been allowed to take root in our civil discourse is indeed a tragic development for the nation as a whole and it is probably the one thing that
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Why not attack teachers? It is a lot easier than putting the blame on the parents-who refuse to take an equal responsibility for what’s wrong with American society. Which is why the quote from John Cole’s place rings very true: The New York Times is having a hard time figuring out why
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