Far East Cynic

Everyone celebrates in their own way.

Well, here it is March again – that wonderful time of the year. And thus, today is International Women’s Day. Certainly, I celebrate women – or would – if the pandemic had not trashed a full year of Asian and Oceanic travel. Thailand and the Philippines are still non-starters for destinations. The S.O. can’t even get to Japan.

The only thing I have to show for it is a lower golf handicap. Certainly, the S.O. learned all the wrong lessons from the word “quarantine”.

And I have nothing nice to say about Megan Markle, so I won’t. If I were lucky enough to be married to a Princess, I would not be trashing the Royal Family. I’d be enjoying the Royal Yacht and concubines instead. šŸ˜€

The only way to celebrate International Women’s Day!

I wrote a post about this day back in 2013 because I have to confess, I never knew it existed till about then. In the post I explained that unique brand of feminine mystique I have the knack for attracting.

Nonetheless, as Sam Kinison reminded us, we can’t live without them. So grab a cold one of these:

And then celebrate!

So hereā€™s to you girls! I just want to take this opportunity to recognize your contributions, thanks! Thanks for letting me be your life support system! Happy to help you ladies, happy as all get out.

Here’s to women!