Shooting lots of people on 5th Avenue

Donald Trump once said that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue in New York, and it would not affect his support one bit.

The last four years have proved that assertion depressingly true – which is a tribute to the overall stupidity of the American people as a whole. It’s also evidence of how worthless scum like William Jacobsen has been able to keep people distracted from the genuine threat Trump poses to American democracy.

And Trump wants to repay the people who will install him as America’s dictator by killing them. Literally. If he can’t kill them like he killed Herman Cain with COVID – he proposes to starve them with poverty.

Donald Trump once claimed that he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York City and not lose any voters. He’s now seeing whether the same is true if he kills Social Security.His unilateral, unprecedented step of deferring the collection of payroll taxes, the backbone of Social Security, is the murder weapon he would use.

Trump has already ordered the Treasury Department to stop collecting Social Security’s dedicated payroll contributions for the next four months pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, which permits deferrals of taxes when a disaster is declared. Once re-elected, if he keeps deferring those taxes, all benefits will come to a screeching halt, with no Congressional involvement

Social Security is not, contrary to the assertions of the more deranged members of our society – broke. It could be a lot more financially healthy if Congress lifted the cap on payroll taxes which would keep the program solvent till 2065. That would allow the program to survive the Baby Boomer wave.

Furthermore – a lot of Americans don’t seem to understand that deferring now creates a tax liability next year. And it doesn’t help Americans who have already lost jobs. It does not even help corporations that much – many of whom to their credit – have recognized that and refused to defer collection of payroll taxes from salary. Trump is going to do it for Federal employees though. Which creates a surprise tax bill for them.

Trump has shown himself willing to attack numerous fundamental institutions. He has attacked the US Postal Service, which the Constitution explicitly lists as an enumerated power of Congress. He has attacked the free press and our elections. Does anyone believe he wouldn’t take our Social Security system hostage to attain a radical reform? Adding insult to injury, it is easy to imagine that Donald Trump will host a Rose Garden signing ceremony for legislation ending Social Security as we know it. He will use the occasion to brag about “saving” Social Security — as he signs its destruction.

This is serious. You need to write or call your Senators and Congressmen immediately and urge them to stand up for the Constitution and for their constituents. This should not be a loyalty test for Trump. It hurts conservatives and liberals equally. And most importantly, you paid into the system.

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