Far East Cynic

Speaking of Labor Day.

It’s a good day to remember the hard-working people in America who: 1) Don’t get to celebrate Labor Day on May 1st like the rest of the world, 2) despite low unemployment are not seeing wage increases and 3) some of whom have to work at some really lousy workplaces.

Like this woman:

You don’t want to know what I had to do to get this job #NewWhiteHouseJobRequirements pic.twitter.com/HfmjF545X0

— Mister Race Bannon (@MrRaceBannon) August 31, 2017

Or some of these people:


Must be able to tackle a phone or nuclear football away from a 71yr old narcissistic maniac if needed. pic.twitter.com/tOvrQICLty

— Alt Fed Employee (@Alt_FedEmployee) August 31, 2017

And let’s not forget about these poor bastards shall we?

Inside the Squalid Living Conditions for the Migrants Building Trump Intl Golf Club in Dubai#LaborDay #UnionStronghttps://t.co/dblWlzHTak

— Scott Dworkin (@funder) September 4, 2017

Since tomorrow, President * is going to announce he is going after non-productive folks-maybe these two guys could be at the top of the list:

I have no sympathy for these kids.

Their parents broke the law.

They don’t have jobs.

They cost taxpayers money.

Deport Eric & Don Jr.

— Ben Wexler (@mrbenwexler) September 4, 2017

Happy Labor Day.