Breitbart still sucks

Charles Johnson has observed on several occasions that while the late, not so dearly departed, Andrew Breitbart was well and truly one of the United States’ biggest morons-the children who write in his stead can top it.


Sure enough, Breitbrat Ben Shapiro’s moronic attack on President Obama’s Thanksgiving address was rapidly picked up by the rest of the right wing Fake Outrage Machine. The Daily Caller has this article based on Shapiro’s post: Obama Thanksgiving Address: Calls to Unite Behind WH, Doesn’t Thank God.

Watch how the Daily Caller’s Christopher Bedford blatantly slants the story against President Obama, saying he “urged the country to unite behind his administration” twice, even though the actual quote from Obama’s speech says no such thing.

And true to form-the members of the Liars Club, led by Jim Hoft; the “Dumbest Man on the Internet” picked right up on it.

John Hinderaker, Jim Hoft, William Jacobson, the Town Hall Harlot: Michelle Malkin-who is spending the weekend looking down on Wal Mart protestors for having the audacity to publicly point out the company could do more for its workers-and of course lets not forget the collective stupidity that is Breitbart. They are all contemptible people. As stupid and vile as you might expect.


  1. hbducky – Duck and nature fan. Love to hang out any place ducks like to chill. Advice: Always bring a fresh loaf of bread and your camera when you want to go "duck spotting."
    byu says:

    Breitbart is simply one of the millions of anti-intellectual "news" sites out there on the internet. I remember when news wasn't as sensationalized as it is now.

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