One more post about the Diamond Jubilee.

As I have noted before-I am an unrepentant Anglophile and fan of the British Empire. We have gotten to see great coverage of the celebrations on our British Satellite system. Even as an American you should be struck by the difference between the respect shown here to the Queen and our own twisted and misguided politics. The British Empire may have faded from the stage-but the spirit that makes Britain unique among the nations-and the traditions that made America-are still quite in evidence. Whatever we Americans have-we learned from the British.



The sun going down on Kidney Ridge is setting on the British Empire, on which-so we learned as schoolboys-the sun never set. Our Empire was born of the skill of our explorers, the martial prowess of our yeomanry, the innovative genius of our scientists and engineers. We stole a march on the world that lasted 200 years. Lulled by the long peaceful protection of the great fleet we built, we thought it could last forever. We dozed.

Here in Kidney Ridge we have erased the disgrace of our somnolence. If history is but the clash of arms, we now begin to leave the stage with honor. But if it is a march of the human spirit toward world freedom, [Britain] will never leave the stage. British ideas, British institutions, British scientific method, will lead the way in other lands, in other guises. English will become the planetary tongue, that is now certain. We have been the Greece of the new age.


  1. Isn't all this ceremony a complete waste of time and money?  Isn't it contrary to core American values to idolize one person over another solely due to the circumstances of their birth?  When you peel away all the trimmings, aren't the royals just a more confident, classy (and better looking) version of the Kardasians; just famous for being famous? 

  2. I don't believe that-and I don't think most British do either. The queen represents a force for stability and while she has no power-she has a great deal of influence.  And for a Britain that is being fucked at the drive through with the "austerity" nonsense-they deserve a reason to have a good party.

  3. The British Monarchy is much like the Japanese Tea Ceremony..a joy to watch and partcipate in but in the end its only a cup of tea.

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