Maybe the Mayans were right after all……

The world could be coming to an end-when we live in a world where Rick Santorum is considered a "serious" candidate for President:

Mitt Romney may have – just – emerged as the victor in Tuesday's Republican caucus in Iowa but, for many, the night belonged to his rival Rick Santorum, the most socially conservative of all the Republican candidates and a man who once declared: "I just don't take the pledge. I take the bullets."

Not one to shy away from making his voice heard, the 53-year-old from Winchester, Virginia, has peppered his political career with divisive pronouncements ranging from the hawkish and reactionary to the plain offensive.

Rick Santorum is an evangelical idiot-and a perfect example of why the US has, and needs, seperation of Church and State. One of the best votes I ever cast was to send that moron home in 2006. ( When in Japan I voted absentee in PA).

He lost the bubble a long time ago as the Guardian explores well. But in another example of why he sucks-Foreign Policy pointed out how religion makes a lousy basis for foreign policy:

Santorum is debating with a young voter, laying out his case why Israel should not dismantle its settlements in the West Bank.  "All the people that live in the West Bank are Israelis, they're not Palestinians," he says. "There is no ‘Palestinian.'"

This echoes Newt Gingrich's contention in December that Palestinians are an "invented" people — but, for my money, Santorum's comments are worse. Historical revisionism in the service of political gain has been a staple of international affairs since time immemorial. But what Santorum is suggesting is actually profoundly damaging to U.S. and Israeli interests: If the 3 million people of the West Bank are Israeli citizens, they have the right to vote, and will fundamentally reorder the Israeli government. That's a prospect the Israelis themselves have been trying to avoid, and the reason why they have never annexed the West Bank. Too bad nobody ever told Rick Santorum.

The clown car ride continues.

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