Far East Cynic

All our problems are solved.

With this new program. (H/T to the Daily Beast)

Social Security Reform Bill Encourages Americans To Live Faster, Die Younger

  1. Truth is there is a lot of truth in the story. Tobacco is prime example. Something like 30-40% of hospital beds are filled due to tobacco related morbidity. But on the positive side smokers die earlier than they would otherwise saving Social Security years of payments and one must factor in the huge revenues tobacco taxes generate.

  2. Good Fucking God Foggy~!

    Do you read yourself? Hospital bed goes for $1000/night and your sin tax garners a few bucks a day. Only a complete lost to the real world head in the bag liberal could equate the “savings” of continuing to sell highly taxed legal crap to people on the basis that it made money available for better shit elsewhere and still point out that 30-40% of the $1000/day hospital beds were taken up by lung cases caused by smoking and FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!

    I hope that wasn’t too abusive Skippy. But shit, I’m thinking positive now and thinking of course of the huge revenues that legally selling a carcinogen causes folks like Foggy to express wild delight at morbidity.