Far East Cynic

How does this work exactly?

The powers that be in my company have decided that since we did not win the last bid I cobbled together-that I should have to try again. (Even though we had the low bid and it was technically excellent-I’m still trying to figure out how it works that they give it to the other company with the highest bid). Somehow, this strikes me as betting on a 60-1 shot in the derby today.

Nonetheless-it just made the “suckiness” factor of this upcoming week go up by 200%.

I think I will just take Dilbert’s approach this time:


  1. I do this sort of crap for a living and still cannot figure it out. It’s called best value, and how you add value to something by paying more for the same thing is beyond me.

  2. Two sides of the same coin: are you the incumbent and they hate you that much or they lurve the incumbent and that’s who won with the high bid?

  3. It’s bribery at its finest. Look at the politics of your state and compare to who got the contract.

    I was involved in a portion of the Olympic bidding and building in Atlanta. We had to up grade an existing site. When the numbers came in, the IOC said not enough money being spent. Went back increased labor and material cost and got the OK. Nothing changed but the figures.

    Why buy it from Sears when you can get the same item for more money from Macy’s!

  4. Actually its neither. We are not the incumbent-and we thought for sure the incumbent would win if we didn’t but they picked a third player with no experience.

  5. Well you know what that means. The Tech Eval guys really really liked the technical approach enough to go with Best Value and override the bean counters.