I might be overdoing it-just a bit.
While I was working on the project which will come to fruition one way or another by mid week- I pushed back from the “L” shaped desk that the S.O. gave me-which is the heart of Far East Cynic HQ- to marvel at my set up:
Monitor connected to my desktop Dell 530-which is connected to two external hard drives and a printer as well as some kick ass speakers. ( Safety tip number one-always put the “video” library under ‘lock and key’).
To my left the lap top is set up so I can look at other things via the wonders of the wireless router.
To its left, the I-pad is propped up on its keyboard charging dock-also connected via wireless to the web.
Sitting in front of me are a Blackberry and an I-phone.
Plus I have a big desk phone with a great set up for hands free speaker phone-for those annoyingly timed conference calls from our masters in DC.
I think we can…. officially ……call…….it…….. overkill ………………
You ain’t seen nothing – my son’s place. Where is your 5TB redundant array continually backing up that ‘video’ library? He had 5 laptops as well as his desktop on the desk last time I was there.
A technical question. What type of router are you running? Does it get good coverage throught your home? Can you stream movie files?
I have been out of CONUS for a long time, and I find that I normally download movies and stream them to a media player attached to the TV. Having said that, if I move back to CONUS, is there really a need to get the standard services like HBO, Cinemax, etc. or just surf the web and get the movies for free?
Just looking at options.
I have a CISCO E-2000 router. It works very well throughout the house and works well with the new TV. If you do come back state side-Netflix through internet streaming is a wonderful thing. Only 7.95 a month.
Thanks for the advice. I guess the HBO/Showtime business model is going by the way side. I have read on so many sits that people are dropping the premium channels for TV, and just opting to get content from the web, which makes a lot more sense.
The thing about HBO at least is-they have some great shows. Boardwalk Empire, as far as I am concerned is makes HBO worth it. So too is Big Love.