Far East Cynic

Only in Alabama…….

Shooting? What shooting?

Judging from the front page of the Shopping Mall USA fishwrapper, there was no shooting yesterday. That story was tucked down at the bottom of the front page in the lower right hand corner-with just two paragraphs. It was a very small block.



After all-in Alabama what else could be more important than that? THAT was the entire front page today. (And a one sentence mention of the fact that we are going get 4+ inches of snow tomorrow. You would think the bumpkins here would be more than a little interested in that).


  1. You still haven’t figured it out?!

    You love and live to shop and go to malls, just elsewhere. In your current hometown I’ll bet the fishwrapper mongers figured out long ago that the schmart people go to the innertubes for the up to the minute latest news and only MORONs read the paper for the “news.”

    Seriously, reading a newspaper these days for the “news value” is like dumpster diving for dessert. You could do it but why would you?

  2. You haven’t spent much time in Alabama recently have you? They go to the inner tubes for everything but news.

    No, I love and live to go to bars overseas. Shopping malls just give me something to do till the bars open.

    I also look forward to getting laid-but that happens after the stores close. 🙂

  3. If you believe certain words, you believe their hidden arguments. When you believe something is right or wrong, true or false, you believe the assumptions in the words which express the arguments. Such assumptions are often full of holes, but remain most precious to the convinced.
    The Open-Ended Proof from The Panoplia Prophetica