Far East Cynic

Cat Fight

My, my, my-how quickly the worm turns.

For years loads of military bloggers have been fawning over Michael Yon, supposedly the only honest reporter covering the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Now it would seem,  he no longer enjoys the adoration of the masses.

I mean after all-God forbid you would call Uncle Dumbo the insensitive writer that he is.

I never had that much fascination with Michael Yon and still don’t. For me he was always a cheerleader for the war in Iraq-when it did not need one. I had an e-mail alteraction with him myself a few years ago when I had the termerity to e-mail him and tell him that he was wrong. He did respond-which is actually nice, but he never could make any sense. Going back tonight and re-reading it, he still doesn’t.

 Now that he has burned his own bridges, he’s not as happy as he once was. A lot of that is his own fault. A lot of it is the thin skin of the milblogsphere which fails to put any value at all on honest discussion and disagreement. Especially if you do not parrot the right wing party line.

And when you don’t value intellectual honesty-this is what you get. On both sides of the argument.

Still its fun to watch.

  1. He was calling the pot black a few months early.


    Insane ROE. Insane POLMIL relations? Insane Obama strategy?

    I’d be a little more than frustrated too.

    I’m thinking he had a microscope on the issue and was pretty much on target.

  2. No matter what the stategy is-if he Afghan people won’t get rid of Islam and their stupid ways, it will never work. It is time to cut their worthless Muslim asses loose and let them deal with themselves.

  3. To paraphrase what was said about the South Vietnamese soldier..We can put a helmet on his head and a rifle in his hand but without a fire in his belly, we can never win.
    So it is with ANA.