Far East Cynic

A job for me….

Finally, a job opportunity in Asia I know I am really qualified for:

Rent a White Guy.

Not long ago I was offered work as a quality-control expert with an American company in China I’d never heard of. No experience necessary—which was good, because I had none. I’d be paid $1,000 for a week, put up in a fancy hotel, and wined and dined in Dongying, an industrial city in Shandong province I’d also never heard of. The only requirements were a fair complexion and a suit.

Lily white skin?-Check, got that. ( And darned handsome in a distinguished sort of way).

Suit?-Check, got that. ( Ten really nice ones made by favorite tailor in Singapore over the years).

Where do I sign up? And do I get to hang around with any of these?

  1. Great stuff – my job in Ph*l*ps, when I was traveling to any country where they didn’t speak English and I didn’t speak Whateverian, was pretty much full of the same sort of shit as this guy.

    I called them SWFTs (swifts). Smiling White Face Tours. A thousand buck a week – you mean a day, right?

    The risk is, that when it all goes belly up, they have YOU to put in jail or to fine. Bit like what Singapore does foreign newspapers.