Far East Cynic

Busy night

Trying to convince the S.O. to do something. It does not appear to be working from this self portrait:

Speaking of portraits I have uploaded some more pix from the Japan trip.

A visit to Neko town.

Out to Chiba. ( Where the S.O. used to live).

Harajuku for girl watching.

And a Sunday afternoon at Yoyogi Park

Boy I could sure use one of these:

  1. Can’t believe the Dancing Elvises are still there!

    Too bad you couldn’t get to Shibuya for pics of ganguro girls.

    Getting close to a year since my last visit to Tokyo, no idea if or when I will get to go back again.

  2. The “dancing Elvis'” look like they’d be worth the trip. lol Thank you for sharing the photographs…..was surprised to see high-rise apt buildings. Thought that with the earthquake risk that there would be a height restriction.

    P.S. You’re not in the first picture…..you’re the gent on the Winston billboard, right?

  3. The building is the S.O.’s apartment building. She has an apartment on the 12th floor of a 30 story building. There is no height restriction-but they must be built to earthquake standards. They sink some pretty deep pylons into the foundation.

    The Winston billboard is interesting. It says in Japanese: “Hey there! This taste is Japan’s top class!”

    While underneath is the standard cigarette warning that they will kill you-in Japanese.